Your Child Doesn’t Know What To Do Unless They’re Taught What To Do


VIDEO: There are a lot of similarities between raising a child and “raising” a relationship.  One of the key components of both is that you need to B Intentional about making consistent positive deposits if you expect to reap positive results.  Far to often we encounter parents who engage the world assuming that there children will “just get it”.  No…this simply isn’t the case…In order for them to “just get it” you need to “just do it”.  By “do it” we mean devote time and attention to teaching your children vs expecting them to somehow know how to negotiate the world.  In this video we help a frustrated wife who feels like it’s o.k. to set expectations for her child however her husband feels otherwise.  Listen in and let us know what you think.



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4 replies
  1. Riley
    Riley says:

    Well said

  2. Sally Akerti
    Sally Akerti says:

    Thank you 4 uploading.I love our vids.
    Peace & Blessing to you.

  3. trinityizreal
    trinityizreal says:

    I love your videos and the inspiration you all bring to couples and individuals alike. I subscribed and realized I watch but never comment on your vids – wonderful. God bless you and your family. Keep giving that you might receive in return. Stay blessed, a blessing & encouraged!!! "THANK YOU!!!"

  4. Brooke
    Brooke says:

    This is very relevant to me right now. I have a child who came to this Earth feeling as though she has the right to express her every thought, wish, and displeasure to anyone she chooses. It's a dance teaching her to be respectful to all people, not just us as her parents. She cares about people, but she doesn't care about their feelings it seems :). I don't want her to lose her voice because some of us lose it and spend our lives trying to get it back, but I am constantly teaching her to consider that her 10 year old perspective is not broad enough for her to speak on every subject in such a definitive way. I sometimes have to walk away to gain my peace. I once held the position that children need to stay in a child's place, but now I know that some children come here more ready to give of themselves :/ than others. I have been struggling, stretching, and learning from raising a child who has some very clear opinions that she is ever-ready to express.

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