New Study Shows Women Say Their Husbands Are NOT The Best Sex They’ve Ever Had

By Aiyana Ma’at

So, there’s a new study out that reveals that married women are not saying their husband’s names when talking about the best sex they have ever had. I’m sure husbands everywhere are saying….”well, that’s the rest of them…that’s not us…right baby?” Lol. But, I’m curious fellow wives out there–What do you think? Is your husband the best sex you ever had? And what constitutes “the best sex”?ย Technique? Emotional connection? Passion? ย Inquiring minds want to know (well at least I want to know….lol.) And, since I’m asking, it’s only fair that I tell you if my husband is the best sex I’ve ever had…stay tuned. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Fellas Get A Clue..Women Truly Appreciate The Anticipation Of Foreplay

By Robert Johannsen

Ever notice how men talk about ‘having sex’ while women talk about ‘making love?’ That kind of hits the nail on the head when it comes to how men and women approach sex. Men are pretty direct when it comes to sex — they are aroused easily, usually by visual stimulation, what they see. Women are much more complex, and require a more complicated experience to become aroused and take longer.

While that sounds simple, (and it is!) if you are going to improve your sexual technique, you must keep it in mind constantly.

So lets have a look at this ‘more complicated experience,’ and see what we can learn.

Women enjoy sex with more of their senses, touch, smell, taste, and hearing. Notice that I did NOT say sight. Women are aroused by sight as well as the other senses, but this is secondary.

Women love things like โ€˜taking your timeโ€™, โ€˜anticipationโ€™, and โ€˜foreplayโ€™ because they make the experience richer and involve more senses.

Lets look at a few of these in more detail:

1. Hearing.

Women love to hear romantic sensual things. Notice that is sensual not sexual language. Women love to hear you describe your feelings. Men are more direct and want to hear things like, “you are so big.” Women like to hear things like, “your skin is so soft.”

2. Touching.

Women love to be touched and stroked. Stroking, cuddling, and touching is all great stuff that arouses women. Stroke her lightly with the tips of your fingers up and down her body, avoiding sexual areas. There will be lots of time for that later! Build up tension and anticipation.

3. Smelling.

This could be scented candles or incense. Women love smelling and being smelled.

4. Tasting.

Women love to be fed all kinds of wonderful things like strawberries, sweets, and wine.

5. Sight.

While generally women are not turned on by sight, most women love to look into your eyes. This kind of ultra-romantic stuff is a huge turn-on for most women.

6. Kissing.

Kissing is a kind of touching. Our lips have tons of nerve endings in them which is why contact with our lips feels good. Make kissing an experience instead of jumping right in with your tongue! Lightly brush her lips with yours and then pull away. Keep doing this ‘brushing’ contact, and you will excite the nerve ending on both of your lips. Play with your lips lightly and gently.

Remember when you were learning to drive? One of the first things you learn is – don’t gun the engine while its cold! Well sex is just like that!

Robert Johanssen has written widely on sex, sexuality, couples, relationships and singles.

6 Ways You Can Make Your Sensual & Sexual Relationship A Priority

Many couples have a happy relationship but like a lot of other couples are having sex rarely—once or twice a month if they are lucky (as they put it) When they have sex they say it goes pretty well—both of them are getting aroused, having orgasms, and feeling connected.

However, many couples still feel as if they’ve come to a point where they have lost the creative aspect in their lovemaking and tend to do the same thing over and over again. This is a common concern in relationships and not necessarily some major sexual issue or dysfunction. But, for many couples, if they feel that something is not quite right or that something is limited about their physical relationship, one or both partners can make the mistake of wondering if something more serious is going on: Do they really love each other? Are they still really attracted to each other? This kind of thinking makes a relatively common situation turn into a dangerous one.

So, if this sounds familiar to you—stop worrying. You just need to focus more time and attention to this area of your relationship and it can be sooo fun! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Here are 6 ways to bring a more romantic spirit back to your lovemaking:

1) Focus on being romantic and sensual ( send flowers, romantic e-mails, whisper suggestive desires, during dinner, touch his or her leg under the table). We know that talking as friends and sharing fun times are aphrodisiacs. We hear this often from women but we know it’s also true for men.

2)Do not focus on orgasms or other outcomes. Pressure is not an aphrodisiac.

3) Focus on wooing your partner–as opposed to taking his or her love for granted (i.e., stop being lazy).

4)Be sensitive to your partner’s rhythms, needs, and wishes. For example, many couples say they don’t have sex because one is a night person and the other is a morning person. If that’s the case, push yourself to be sensual during your partner’s times.

5) Be imaginative and creative. Let your partner know you care and are attracted to her and that you want her–but do it in a variety of ways. The possibilities are endless. You might be driving to work together and passing a motel, and could say, “Let’s be an hour late.” Even if the rendezvous isn’t possible that day, the message is that you are attracted to him and want him. You can do it some other time if not now…

6) Take risks by initiating lovemaking at unexpected times and places. Research suggests that a couple’s love life is best when both the man and the woman initiate, rather than when only one person typically initiates—flexibility is a good thing!

Feminism, Rules, & Kink

By Rose Rivera

Power dynamics are found in every human relationship. That’s right, nothing too profound yet! And even though everyone knows that these dynamics exist, very little is ever questioned regarding how those dynamics form or how to change them once they are firmly established.

In our professional lives these unwritten rules of behavior rarely pose a problem since they are often dictated by convention. Work place interpersonal conduct is usually very well outlined in either the bylaws of the company, or the larger laws of the country (often much too much in my opinion, but that’s another topic!).

However, the rules that govern intimate relationships tend to be much more flexible, with less outside structure imposed upon those involved, especially since the United States’ sexual revolution of the 1970s when it was precisely those intimate rules that were largely overthrown. And while this was a wonderful turning point for gender equality, it nevertheless left monogamous, committed couples with a bewildering array of choices with which to move forward.

If the woman was not supposed to be in the house tending the children, and the man was not supposed to be earning the money, what exactly were they each supposed to be doing? Whose job was it to empty the trash? Who was going to give the child that 2 AM bottle?

Now you see the confusion. Whereas before it was clear who had responsibility over what, now there lay before a couple the extremely daunting task of deciding all of these things for themselves! With all of these behavioral reconstructions occurring, one of the areas that garnered the most attention was how the individuals within the couple would act toward each other in private.

Would the wife continue to defer to her husband when making financial decisions? Would the husband continue to expect a ready dinner when he arrived home? In this new era both husband and wife had to ask the really tough question, the one most people avoid…what do I really want?

If the relationship could now be structured for the sole purpose of pleasing those involved, both people first had to decide what that meant for themselves, and then had to find a working balance with their partners. And the worst part? Since most of their old behaviors were dictated for them, they didn’t have to be discussed…Now couples were forced to talk, o p e n l y! As you can imagine, this alone lead to many many separations.

However, for couples that did find a balance, the rewards were tremendous. They now had a unique set of rules to guide their everyday interactions that they were sure would make everyone happy. For those of you who are involved in the world of Dominance/submission this should be starting to sound intriguingly familiar.

For those of you who are not, this is the basic premise of all D/s relationships…Know what you want, discuss this with your partner,and create unique rules for your relationship that work for both. Really the only difference between a non-D/s relationship and a D/s one is the level of communication and willingness to make up your own private behavioral world regardless of what the mainstream may think.

If both people enjoy having the woman (or man) kneel when their partner comes home, so be it. If a wife enjoys being turned over her husband’s knees and spanked because the roast was slightly overcooked, more joy to them! I don’t understand why kinky and non-kinky folk just can’t seem to get along!

So, for those of you who believe that people who dress up in PVC and tie themselves to racks are just too strange to call friends, try to remember that they really are not all that different from you…they’ve just had the courage to make up their own rules…and live by them! Shouldn’t we all be so lucky?

Rose Rivera, Sexologist, is the creator of Speak Sexy – One of the fastest growing sexuality sites on the web! Offering free articles, fun sex polls, adult games/books, and discreet shopping! Visit:

Why Your Husband NEEDS Sex…

By Kristin ALexander

In the marriage relationship, as in life, it should be obvious that men and women are very different in how they communicate. To rekindle a marriage, it is usually the woman who feels motivated and is willing to step out on a limb and shake things up. No need to complain about it, that’s just how it is. We all know that a healthy marriage includes sex, and if your man has his way, that means lots of sex! If women really understood their men, they would see that although sex is very important to men physically, it is also important to them for other reasons as well. It is their main way of bonding with the person they love, both physically and emotionally, because verbal communication is so difficult for most men. So to fix relationship problems, sex is an important place to start. One thing to get very clear about is that when a man forms an intense trusting sexual bond with a woman he becomes emotionally dependent on her. Even though he won’t say it, this means the world to him. To use it against him out of anger or frustration can only severely damage your relationship.

I know what you’re thinking…”I do EVERYTHING! I take care of the kids, the house, the bills, the cooking and THEN he wants to have sex!” I get it. It’s overwhelming. But there is a way to change it and have your needs met as well, and it’s not as hard as you think…Just a shift in perception can change everything in a marriage…everything. Looking at your husband and his actions from a different perspective can show you things you may have never noticed. Nagging, crying, fighting doesn’t work, why not try something that absolutely does? Creating a happier marriage or possibly even saving it is worth it!

We somehow lost sight of how different men and women really are by trying so hard to make everyone “equal”. Well, we are equal, but we also respond to everything differently and the real magic happens when we accept and respect that about each other. Yes, men are simple creatures but that doesn’t make them lesser, just different. This fact makes it an easy thing to restart your marriage. You just have to be willing!

Women who will put aside their hurt feelings and justifications about what is wrong with their men and instead seek to develop a strong bond with their husbands, by understanding how they think, will find they have happier more fulfilling marriages than they could have ever dreamed possible.

ย Approval and understanding are magic when it comes to relationships! Don’t wait for him to do it! Take charge and he will become so emotionally connected to you that he will do everything and anything in his power to keep you happy. Because we all know “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!”


Kristin Alexander is a wife, mother, writer and works in marketing.

Being “The Best Tease” Could Lead You To Being “The Best Sex” He’s Ever Had

By Ms. Kristina Marchant

If you want to seduce your man, enchant him with your sexuality, and just downright be the best sex he’s ever had, you gotta have two very important character traits: a silly spirit and a crude mind!

My man and I have an amazing sex life, but I would be lying to you if I said that my magic spell over him was cast under the sheets. The way that I have made him a self-proclaimed addict who is hooked on our physical intimacy has everything to do with how I enchant him outside the bedroom. It has everything to do with how I tease him!

Teasing him is my favorite pastime. I do it even when Iโ€™m not aware that Iโ€™m doing it. In public, in private. Over the phone or in person. It has become something that he expects from me. But it is also something that he claims makes our physical intimacy truly special to him.


So how do I do it?

Well, first, I don’t inhibit myself. I don’t judge my inner seductress. I don’t act all prude and bashful when in actuality I’m wantin’ my man inside me and lovin’ me right. So, if YOU are timid about teasing your man and are skittish about being a bad girl, but yet reaaalllly want to be his li’l minx, stop listening to the voices in your head that are restricting your body and mind from letting go and getting randy!

Here’s some ways in which I tease my man:

I act like a silly little girl with a very dirty, adult mind and a body for sin, sin, sin. And I do it at the most unassuming, innocent moments:

*Heโ€™ll come to the edge of the bed to talk to me about our dayโ€™s plans while Iโ€™m still in bed, and Iโ€™ll just rub his penis with my foot and smirk at him.


*Everytime I ascend the stairs in his house, Iโ€™ll get down on all fours on the steps and shake my bum in the air, or Iโ€™ll hump the banister. (Sometimes Iโ€™ll even lift my dress, expose my rump and moan some โ€œOh Yeahโ€s while shakin’ it.)

*Iโ€™ll stand up while we are watching television together and take off my panties and just hand them to him without saying a word, my eyes on the TV the whole time.

*Iโ€™ll sit on the kitchen counter while heโ€™s cooking and ask him if heโ€™d like to eat something before dinner.

*Iโ€™ll lift my skirt while Iโ€™m driving and snap a shot of my panties peeking out from between my legs and text it to himโ€ฆ

And the list goes on.

I donโ€™t tease him like itโ€™s some heavy smothering seductionโ€”like Iโ€™m some 1940s screen siren or even some a sex symbol in any shape or form.

I tease him from a light-hearted, young place inside me that just wants to make my man laugh and shower me with cocked eyebrows and filthy smirks.

ย CLICK HERE to read more.



Aphrodisiacs: Fact or Fiction?

We all have heard the rumors about certain foods increasing your libido and stimulating your desire for sex. ย When it comes to such edible aphrodisiacs the evidence is somewhat inconclusive. Some people swear by certain foods and their ability to turn up the heat ย while others say they just haven’t experienced any miraculous effects. We think almost all aphrodisiacs very likely have general libido increasing qualities that affect each person differently–whether physiologically or psychologically. Weโ€™re all built a little bit different, so you have to find the one that works best for you.

Recently 2 University of Guelph researchers, ย Massimo F. Marcone andย masterโ€™s student John Melnykย examined hundreds of studies on commonly used consumable aphrodisiacs to investigate claims of sexual enhancement, either psychological and physiologicalโ€“results of their studyย appeared in the journalย Food Research International. Hereโ€™s what they found:

Ginseng, saffron andย yohimbine, a natural chemical from yohimbe trees in West Africa, improved human sexual function.

Wine andย chocolate, improved sexual function, but their amorous effects are likely psychological.

Spanish fly andย Bufo toadโ€“while purported to be sexually enhancing, they produced the opposite result and can even be toxic.

People report increased sexual desire after eatingย muira puama, a flowering plant found in Brazil;ย maca root, a mustard plant in the Andes; andย chocolate. Although despite its purported aphrodisiac effect, chocolate was not linked to sexual arousal or satisfaction, the study said.ย โ€It may be that some people feel an effect from certain ingredients in chocolate, mainly phenylethylamine, which can affect serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain,โ€ Marcone said.

Alcohol was found to increase sexual arousal but to impede sexual performance.

Nutmeg, cloves, garlic, ginger, andย ambergris (formed in the intestinal tract of the sperm whale) are among substances linked to increased sexual behaviour in animals.

While their findings support the use of foods and plants for sexual enhancement, the authors urge caution. โ€œCurrently, there is not enough evidence to support the widespread use of these substances as effective aphrodisiacs,โ€ Marcone said. โ€œMore clinical studies are needed to better understand the effects on humans.โ€

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of B Intentional, LLC or its staff.

Join Us TONIGHT For A NO HOLDS BARRED Conversation About Sex, Passion & Sensuality

Is your love life lacking EROTIC FUN, PASSION & SENSUALITY?

Join us for a NO HOLDS BARRED convo sponsored byย The Mrs. Projectย & learn how to:

*Prioritize sex & intimacy in your relationship

*Add a touch of Sugar & Spice to your love life

*Bring out your Inner Vixen

*Tell your man what you really want in bed without shame or fear

And much more!! Get your girlfriends together and come out to this FREE event!

OCT 26,2012 ย 7-9PM EST in Hyattsville, Md.

Clickย HEREย to register.

Intimacy Does NOT Have To Die Out With Time. Here’s How To Get It Back.

By Crid Lee

There is a common misconception that intimacy in marriage dies out after the honeymoon period. There are countless movies that crack jokes at sexless marriages as if it is a course of nature to be expected. In fact, most married couples will assert that they also believe intimacy is supposed to die down with time.

Is this true? Is there any way to ensure that intimacy in your marriage never dies?

The good news is intimacy in marriage does not have to die out. It especially doesn’t have to go away completely. It is normal for there to be dips in the intimacy levels over time as the relationship goes through struggles and comes back strong again. A complete death to intimacy is not normal!

Recognizing a Dip

The first secret to keeping intimacy alive in your marriage is to recognize when a dip in your usual intimacy levels occurs. You should try to catch this as early on as possible. You don’t want to wait until there is a complete dry spell and there seems to be no hope of ever achieving intimacy again.

Some signs of weakening intimacy that you may notice include:

  • You don’t turn toward one another at night anymore. You are more in your own corners, interested only in sleep.
  • One or both of you start reading in bed or doing other things to fill the time that would typically be filled up with intimacy and sex.
  • You or your partner doesn’t seem to be paying attention during conversations. It’s like holding a one-sided conversation or you don’t feel interested in what they say anymore.
  • The fights are occurring more frequently than the kissing or make out sessions.

There are many other signs that could alert you to a potential dry spell. It’s important to recognize that intimacy gets into trouble when other aspects of the relationship are in trouble. Keep that in mind and keep your eyes open for trouble in paradise. The earlier you catch it the better.

What to Do about a Dip

As soon as you think there may be a drop in the level of intimacy in your marriage, start giving some thought to what could be behind this. There is always a reason! You may not understand the reason if it is something with your spouse, but know that there is always s a reason.

Sometimes a dip in intimacy can be as simple as someone getting too comfortable in the relationship. You stop making the effort to hold the relationship together and build that intimacy up so it starts to slack.

Pulling It Back Together

You can do a variety of things to start rebuilding intimacy in your relationship. Think about the potential causes for the dip and then get creative on ways to spice things up and bring that connection back. It may be as simple as trying new things and bringing some fresh excitement into the bedroom.

Remember, intimacy in marriage doesn’t have to die out with time. You can grow old together and remain as intimately connected as ever. You just have to recognize when things are starting to slip and take action to revive the intimacy as quickly as possible.

Is Your Bedroom Color Impacting Your Sex Life?

By Team BLAM

A recent survey by a U.K. retailer found that some bedroom colors inspire ย more sexual encounters than others. ย The data gathered has been compiled into a cute infograph for your enjoyment. ย For some of you, color is irrelevant and you are ready to get busy at the drop of a dime. ย For others, the walls could be painted with erotic images and you still wont be interested in sex. ย Wherever you fall on the scale…focus on what works for you and your partner. ย A can of paint may inspire more intimacy…..just make sure you pick your (you and your partner’s) right color.

Blam Fam what do yall think? ย Does bedroom color have an impact on your desire for sex & intimacy?

Infogram Source: