Is It Ok For A Married Man To Watch Porn?

VIDEO: What if a husband wants to watch porno or go to the strip club? How do you feel about that? Is it ok for a married man to satisfy his sexual appetite with these pleasures?Some say “whatever floats your boat”. Others say “not a chance in hell”. His View. Her View….What’s Your View?

Don’t Let Your “Situation” Limit Your Sexy – Designer Debuts Lingerie Colostomy Bags

By Samantha Escobar

When it comes to colostomy bags and other necessary medical equipment, there tends to be a shortage in the “pretty” department. Of course, items like these are not intended to look sexy; therefore, they are not made to look sexy. But what about women who want to feel beautiful in every way, including with their required devices? This was the same question that 23-year-old James Shutt of Hereford, England, asked himself after realizing that colostomy bag users are actually getting younger each year.

As a result of his curiosity, Shutt spoke with teenage colostomy users to gain a better perspective on the topic. Since many users reported feeling self-conscious or unsexy about their medical item when getting intimate with a partner, or are afraid of leaving their spare bags and cleaning kids behind if they stay at a partner’s home.

Shutt decided that something had to be done to change this. He then came up with a line of “Myostomy” products, which take away the embarrassment and add to the style factor.

“They want to lead normal sex lives but find partners can be put off by the bag,” said Shutter. “My solution hides the embarrassment and gives them the confidence to be sexually intimate, knowing they can relax.”

A colostomy is a surgical procedure in which an opening, called a stoma, is created by drawing the large intestine or colon’s healthy end into the abdominal wall. The stoma allows for waste to leave the body via a separate route, but the waste must be collected in a disposable colostomy bag that’s attached to the stoma. The way that the myostomy brand’s products work is to use a jewelry stoma plug and seal that fits inside of the stoma to prevent feces from leaking out during intercourse. There are a variety of interchangeable decorated heads, and they can be worn for about 90 minutes before needing to be emptied. Plus, Shutt created tattoos and other body art for users so they can make the area of their colostomy bag even more customized and pretty.

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My Wife Told Me She Was A Virgin But I Found Out She’s Had Anal Sex


VIDEO: What does it mean to be a virgin in 2011? A newlywed husband wrote into us expressing concern and hurt because he thought his wife was a virgin. Why?  She told him she was prior to their getting married. However, he recently found out she’s had anal sex. Needless to say this was a shocker to him. He says you weren’t a virgin when we got married then! His wife says Yes, I was! He feels as though the integrity of their relationship foundation has been compromised. So, what do you do when what you thought was….just isn’t? You do the 2 “F” words. FORGIVE & move FORWARD. Listen in and let us know how devastating you think news like this can be for a relationship.

Kiss Hello. Kiss Goodbye. Kiss Goodmorning. Kiss Tonight

By Kadence Buchanan

Perhaps you prefer the morning kiss before breakfast or the evening kiss as you enter home exhausted from yet another day of managing to do almost all you had set before falling asleep the day before. Regardless of which type of kiss you prefer, experts agree that kissing is a great stimulant not only for the body but also for your brain.

How about mentioning some facts? First of all kissing is a great cardiovascular activity apart from an excellent process to decrease high blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Due to the extra saliva production that a kiss initiates, kissing is a perfect prevention mechanism against cavities and plaque, while it also prevents gingivitis due to the calcium that saliva contains. Thus, if you want to keep your smile looking just perfect, do not forget to kiss often. Moreover, since saliva contains bacteria, which are 20 percent unique to each individual, kissing is a method of vaccination from new germs.

As your immune system creates certain anti-bodies to these new bacteria you receive from your partner-also known as cross-immunotherapy-your organism is able to vaccinate itself against the germs that enter your mouth while kissing.

For those of you that watch your diet, keep in mind that a kiss burns in average 12 calories per five-seconds and that three passionate kisses a day can help you get rid of a whole pound in a month! In addition, since kissing puts to work over 30 muscles of your face, your skin becomes smoother and due to the increase in blood circulation its tone and color become more even and you look healthy and beautiful.

Before getting your partners lips close to yours, have you ever thought why you are kissing that specific individual? Well, we know you love him or her, but did you know that a part of the kissing process actually helps your brain perform some chemical analysis of your partner’s saliva and “decides”on your genetic compatibility? Researchers after examining a number of cases have concluded that a kiss can be actually apart from fun the “verdict” of your brain to your choice of a partner. Isn’t that a sweet deal?

You remember of course phrases like “kiss and make-up” or “kiss and make it all better” and sometimes you probably have even laughed at the idea that a kiss can make your relationship better or let a problem vanish to thin air. Well, although it is difficult to believe this is true, kissing helps your body produce the “happy” kind hormones-called endorphins-which are actually your natural body’s tranquilizers and help you regain control over a stressful situation.

Whether you kiss your partner upon remembering your favorite movie scene, or just because you want to make your hiccups stop, kissing is always a good excuse to come closer with that special one and remember all the things that make you happy when you are together. Our advice is that every hour of every day is a good excuse to kiss and feel happy and alive! Many believe that kissing most of the times can be so much more than words.

Kiss and let your actions speak louder than your loving voice!

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for – In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and

Humility – The Key To Intimacy In Your Relationship

By Jeff Murrah

Modern society often uses game-based phrases, like “take it to the next level”. Taking a relationship ‘to the next level’ of intimacy requires effort and skill. Some people’s relationships are not fulfilling because they either lack the skills, the knowledge or are unwilling to exert the effort of improving intimacy required by relationships. Many people suffer in silent desperation or seek affairs rather than address what is needed to improve the intimacy. When someone is desperate, they often confuse the intensity that affairs provide with the intimacy which they need. They make wrong choices because they do not understand what is needed in the relationship.

Based on his experience and observations, the psychoanalyst, Eric Fromm claimed the relationship skill list includes the qualities of humility, courage, faith and discipline. This list provides general qualities required. My experience is that people want to know how to apply such qualities. For example, they wish to know how to express humility (or some other necessary quality) in relationships.

The word humility has been defined as being free from pride and arrogance. It also entails a humbleness of mind and modest estimate of one’s own worth. In considering how humility applies to relationships, recognize that pride and arrogance each kill relationships. The quality of pride becomes a barrier preventing others from developing a relationship with you. Pride not only shuts people out, it also creates emotional distance around the person infected with it. If your relationships are often shallow and lacking intimacy, it may be that pride is preventing others from getting close to you.

Arrogance, a close cousin of pride, is a quality that seeks obeisance from others, thereby shutting out any kind of mutual reciprocity needed for healthy relationships. Healthy relationships require people treat each other with respect, arrogance destroys any chance for respect developing.

Humility requires that the person wishing to improve their relationship make room for the other person or persons involved. One way to make room for the other person is to put forth the effort to maintain contact. At the very basic level, calling or writing are needed to maintain contact with the other person. These could be notes or messages to the other person keeping the emotional connection in place. The contact needs to focus on the other person rather than have the other person focus their attention on you. This means one will have to discover what the likes and dislikes of the other person are. One way to discover their likes and dislikes is developing a list of questions focused on these areas. When you are with the other person, ask those questions and discover how they see and experience the world.

‘Focusing on the other person’ also means that one may have to modify their schedule in order to connect with the other person. Humility involves making room for the other person in your attention, efforts and time. It requires effort to shift your schedule rather than constantly expecting them to accommodate yours.

It will also be important that when the other person asks you questions that your response be of a humble nature. Even in the areas where significant accomplishments may have occurred, approaching them in a modest manner helps create an atmosphere conducive to relationships deepening. When faults are pointed out or errors made, they will need to be approached in attitude of modesty and humility. Pointing our errors with an attitude of “gotcha!” or “you’re not as perfect as you thought!” are sure ways of killing any developing intimacy. Attitudes conveying defensiveness or arrogance are a sure way to invite further conflict and stifle the growth of any relationship.

Humility is required in taking a relationship to the next level of intimacy. Like any area of personal growth, exercising humility will take us out of our emotional comfort zone. Consider the question, “Do you want to have intimacy or be comfortable?”. Developing intimacy requires effort. One of the areas needing effort that pays dividends beyond the effort involved is that of humility. If you have a relationship you want to “take it to the next level”, start by developing humility.

Discover the 6 Most Devastating Mistakes People Make When Their Partners are Having an Affair. Free report at 

How Some Men Are Using Oral Sex To Detect Infidelity

By Scott A McGreal MSc.

Please note that this article contains sexually explicit discussion.

One of the more intriguing ideas to emerge out of evolutionary psychology is that a man’s interest in performing oral sex on a woman serves the purpose of testing whether a woman has recently been unfaithful. A recently published study aimed to test this theory and found that men who are in long term relationships with more attractive women are more interested in performing cunnilingus on their partners. The authors argued that more attractive women are more likely to be targeted by other men who might try to lure them away from the relationship. They concluded that their results confirm their hypothesis that oral sex functions to detect infidelity. Although interesting, their results are inconclusive because they did not appear to consider a more obvious explanation for their findings.

According to many evolutionary psychologists, men have been concerned with detecting and counteracting infidelity by their partners through human history. Many scholars have focused on the occurrence of sperm competitionwhich occurs when the sperm from two or more males occupy a woman’s reproductive tract at the same time, and hence compete to fertilise her ovum. Scholars have claimed that men have evolved certain mechanisms to deal with the threat of sperm competition (Pham & Shackelford, 2013). For example, some research has found that men ejaculate a greater volume of sperm when they have been separated from their partner for a good period of time compared to when they have been in each other’s company for the same amount of time. This is presumed to occur because there is a greater risk that the woman may have been unfaithful in her partner’s absence.

Pham and Schackelford (2013) argued that men with more attractive partners are at a greater recurrent risk of sperm competition because other men are more likely to woo them into having affairs. Therefore, men with more attractive partners have more reason to be concerned about and more likely to engage in behaviour aimed to detect infidelity. The idea that cunnilingus, oral sex performed on a woman, could function to detect infidelity was proposed in a 2006 book, but this study is the first to test this empirically. The idea is that oral sex may allow a man to detect the presence of another man’s semen through smell or taste. Pham and Schackelford’s study did not test whether men can actually detect semen in this manner (admittedly a difficult thing for a research study to test). What they did test were the hypotheses that men with more attractive partners (presumed to present a greater “recurrent risk of sperm competition”) would be more interested in performing oral sex, and that they would perform it for a longer duration “to better detect rival semen.” Contrary to what has been claimed elsewhere, the authors did not claim that men consciously perform oral sex because they think their partner has been unfaithful. It is possible for a behaviour to serve an evolutionary function without a person knowing what that function is. They simply need to want to do it, even if they do not know why.

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5 Reasons Why Some Women Can’t Experience The Big “O”

By Professor Kimberly Resnick Anderson

We live in an orgasm-focused society. Orgasm is perceived as the proverbial icing on the already tasty sexual cake.  Millions of women feel “gypped” or “broken” if they are unable to achieve the coveted climax. We are so invested in the notion of orgasms that “faking” orgasms is common; most women admit to having done so at some point. And, during a recent session of sex therapy in my office, a wife disclosed to her husband that she has been “faking” orgasms throughout their entire 43-year marriage.

Despite our misguided notion that orgasm is the primary reason to have sex, when it comes to women, it is no sure thing. There are many obstacles that can undermine a woman’s capacity to achieve orgasm. I will focus on five today:

1. Illness and/or medication. A wide range of illnesses, including diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and spinal cord injuries can damage physiologic processes necessary to achieve orgasm. These illnesses may also affect a woman’s sense of femininity, disrupting her sexual confidence.

Medication can also affect the orgasm phase of sexual response. Blood pressure medications, antihistamines, and certain psychotropic drugs can make it difficult to achieve climax. In particular, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most commonly prescribed class of anti-depressants and certain antipsychotics, which raise prolactin levels and are common culprits of orgasm disorders. Advice: My Girlfriend Is Afraid Of Sex [VIDEO]

2. Aging. The normal aging process can also take a toll on a woman’s ability to achieve orgasm.  As we age, we have fewer hormones, especially estrogen. This can affect our neurological and circulatory functioning. As estrogen levels decline, sensations in the clitoris and nipples are decreased, causing limited blood flow to the genitals. As vascular efficiency decreases, orgasm difficulties increase.

3. Cultural messages. Many of my female patients report unresolved cultural and religious beliefs that make it difficult to achieve orgasm.  Negative messages about sex often become deeply ingrained, subconsciously shaping the way we allow ourselves to respond during erotic situations. “I didn’t want to be one of those ‘bad’ girls,” a 24-year-old graduate student told me. “I denied my sexuality for so long that now I can’t take it back.”

What does it mean for a woman to achieve orgasm with a partner? It means she owns her sexuality, deserves and can allow her partner to witness her in a vulnerable state. It means she knows her own body and is not dependent on her partner for sexual stimulation and gratification. It means she can comfortably communicate with her partner about her sexual expectations and preferences.

A recent article suggested a link between EQ (emotional quotient) and a woman’s capacity to achieve orgasm. The higher a woman’s EQ (the ability to identify and manage emotions of one’s self and others), the more likely she is to achieve orgasm.

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Be Self Empowered By Owning Your Sexuality

By Keri Nola

Are you bored in the bedroom? Becoming more sexually assertive can be one of the easiest and fastest ways to get more of what you want from your sex life. If you are ready to take ownership of your pleasure and turn up the heat between the sheets, here are a few simple tips that can empower you to create the pleasurable sexual experiences you deserve and desire.

1. Own your pleasure. Know your body is a necessity when it comes to fulfilling sexual experiences. You cannot rely on your partner to “get it right” because you’ll often be left disappointed. Your pleasure is your job and that is even the case when with a partner; knowing what you want and being able to share it is the best way to get the job done.

Exploring your own sexual likes, dislikes and desires through masturbation can be the perfect way to discover your preferences. Then, share that information with your partner to be used during partner sex. Consider experimenting with various techniques, toys and timing. If you are new to self-pleasuring, know that it is a healthy and important aspect of your sexuality. Start slow, or consider mutual masturbation where you and your partner practice self-pleasuring together.

2. Be grateful and encourage one another. We all like to hear “thank you,” words of appreciation and encouragement. The same applies to sex. Actually, sexual performance can be an area of great insecurity for some, so expressions of gratitude can be especially helpful in these instances. When your partner takes your feedback and applies it in ways that please you, tell him/her!

Communicating appreciation and positive feedback during and after sex can be a powerful way to continue getting more of what you want. It can be as simple as saying, “I love it when you whisper in my ear,” or “Thank you for spending some extra time with foreplay today; it really helped warm me up!”

CLICK HERE to read more.

T-Pain Says “Threesomes” Are A Part Of His Marriage

Check out this recent interview T-Pain did with TT Torez.  He spoke very candidly about his music career and how people think he’s “fallen off”.  Additionally, he spoke about the connection he has with his wife Amber Najm and how he’s learned some real life lessons from some mistakes he’s made in his marriage (having a child with another woman). Check out the interview and let us know what you think.

             On having threesomes with his wife:

“Alot of people were saying me and my wife were swingers and that we had like a Will-and-Jada kinda open marriage and I was just telling them that me and my wife just sleep with other girls together. It’s not like we can just go off and have relationships with other people. People were assuming we got married for nothing. Just because we smash a every now and then doesn’t mean we have an open marriage.”

On being successfully married for ten years:

No, I mean it’s that mind frame that has us together, it’s things that we can agree on things like that. It’s not just the smashing of the women. Before any of y’all heard of me, I was married.

On rumors that he had a baby outside of his marriage:

Yeah. I mean there’s always mistakes happening. Me being famous, I’m getting left and right temptations. We all got things we need to work on.

Click below to peep the interview: 

T.I. & Tiny Are Some “Freaks” LOL

Have you ever made a sex tape with your spouse?  Have you ever laid it down so good that you wish it was recorded so you could return to it at your leisure and satisfy your own solo urges ; )  Trust….married sex is some of the best sex ever.  It’s also some of the freakiest…if you allow yourself to “go there”.

Recently, during a segment on “Tiny Tonight: The “V” Special”, host Tameka “Tiny” Cottle chopped it up with her girls about how she and husband T.I.  made a  freak tape so nasty that she could never watch it again.

Tiny said:

“It was real nasty! They were nasty. They were outside and everything. It was ridiculous. I had fun and the police got it [when they raided our house] and they probably had fun with it too. I just wanted to see if it looks as good as it really is. Our sex tape was like…we could probably get ten million.