VIDEO: “Wife Beater”….Is It REALLY That Serious?

By Team BLAM

If you’re black, under 40, and have some awareness of urban vernacular you’ve probably heard or used the term “wife beater”.  Yup “WIFE BEATER”…terminology referring to a sleevless shirt, A-shirt, or tank top that has been seen being worn by men who are volatile, eruptive, violent, and abusive to women.  “Wife Beater”….women know them.  “Wife Beater”…men know them. “Wife Beater”… you wear them?

I can hear some of yall thinking, “BLAM it really ain’t that serious.”  Say it with me W I F E    B E A T E R.  One more time….W I F E   B E A T E R.  Now tell your daughter, “Daddy’s wearing a ‘wife beater”.  Tell your son to put on his “wife beater”.  Why do we enthusiastically embrace destructive terminology and completely ignore the psyco/social implications such terminology has on our community.  Our children are paying attention to us and are conciously and subconsiously receiving cues on what is socially acceptable behavior.

Today is the last day of domestic violence month.  Yall, for the sake of our community, for the sake of our children, and as a sign of support and solidarity for the countless number of women who are beaten by men on a daily basis CAN WE MAKE A COMMITMENT TO STOP CALLING A-SHIRTS, TANK TOPS, SLEEVELESS SHIRTS……WIFE BEATERS?  

Abuse ain’t no joke, domestic violence ain’t no laughing matter.  “Wife Beater”, is it really that serious?  We say YES IT IS.

Revenge Is Best….NOT SERVED

By Neysa Ellery Taylor

When my husband was actively cheating on me, there was a reoccurring thought that kept running through my mind – “I’ll show him!” It was normally accompanied by some variation of this, “He’s gotta be out of his mind. I am fine. I am smart. I am a great catch! This muthaf&*$#@ is tripping! If he can’t appreciate me, I know 10 men who would!” Sounds pretty juvenile, doesn’t it?

I wish I could say that I stopped there, but I didn’t. It was followed by flirting with some peripheral member of my male circle. I would go out with this male friend under the guise of just “kicking it.” But while out the mood would be different. Drinks would be poured. Flirting would intensify. My ego would be boosted. Invariably an offer to go home/ “you should be with me”/”we would be great together” would be extended. In that moment I would think, “Wow! See I still got it! Yep, hubs is tripping. It is sooo him and not me. Me and bachelor #2 could be great together. I could divorce hubs’ tail in the next 3 months and totally get with Bachelor #2 (or 3 or 4). I won’t be lonely or single long. I’m a f&&&ing prize! And Bachelor #2 is cute, has great work ethic and drive, has been married before so he totally gets what it takes to make one fail and to make one work. He’s an active dad to his kids. We could be the black Brady Bunch. I should do this. Maybe this is what hubs needs to get his shit together. Maybe if he realizes that other folks are ‘sniffing around my skirt’ he would act right. Hell, he deserves this. I could sleep with half of the city and he couldn’t say shit. I really want to do this and then tell him all about it. I really want to see the look on his face. I really want him to feel all that he’s put me through. Then maybe he’d understand. That’s what I am going to do!”

But did I do it? Nope. I wanted to act a fool for all the reasons listed above but I didn’t. Why? Because while my marriage was already on it’s deathbed, I knew that my sleeping with someone else would place the covenant in the cemetery. Honestly, I don’t think hubs would have been able to ever see past it. No matter how much dirt he did, the thought of me being with another man made him see red.

I didn’t act on my revenge because I still wanted my marriage to work and didn’t want to see my husband hurt. My cheating would hurt him. And part of me wanted nothing to do with anything that would hurt him.

This next one is going to sound a bit weird but follow me for a second. I didn’t have an affair because I’m strategic and in the back of my mind I knew that if my marriage failed, divorce court would frown upon my actions. I didn’t think the blind eye of justice would understand that what I did was in response to what he was doing. I didn’t want the adulterer label in my court records.

And finally, I didn’t have an affair because I knew it was wrong. Thank God for the presence of the Holy Spirit. As much as my mind could justify the action, my spirit couldn’t. I heard this one question loud and clear, “So you are going to go against God trying to get revenge?” The answer was “No, I’m not.” I knew that God had been working (and is still working) on me. I knew better. And I didn’t want to go back to a spiritual “square one.” Working on yourself and bending your will to God’s is hard work, and I didn’t want to repeat those lessons again. No matter how great a “revenge affair” would have been this was one dish that was best not served.

Neysa Ellery Taylor lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband, Chris, and their 4 children – Asyen, Maya, Preston, and Patrick. An Emmy-Award winning journalist, she hopes to share her passion for marriage and God through her writing. You can read more of her work at

Making Your Marriage Bed Better Will Make Your Sex Life Sweeter

By Neysa Ellery Taylor

If you are married I will assume you know the basics of sex. He takes his ___ and puts it ___ and voila! That is sex. But is it good sex? Not if all you are doing is filling in the blanks.

Married sex is wonderful and awesome if you make it wonderful and awesome and if you keep it wonderful and awesome. It’s really that simple.

1. You have to get rid of the head scarf during sex. For real. I know you sat at the beauty shop for four hours and paid good money to get your hair done. I know. But think about it for a second. Close your eyes and think about your secret male fantasy getting ready to seriously make love to you… while wearing black church socks and flip flops. Your male fantasy may be so fine that you overlook the socks a few times, but after looking at those raggedy flip-flops over and over again you’ll want to rip those things off his feet. Right? Right! Well, that’s how fellas feel about your head scarf. It ain’t cute. So take it off, make love, then re-wrap your hair. And if making love totally wrecks your updo, I bet the hubby will be more than happy to shell out the funds to get it re-done.

1. Remember when you first met your wife and you would do the “thing” followed by the “you know” and it would drive her wild? Well, she’s bored with it. I know what you are saying, “but she always loved it like that!” She used to love it, but now she’s bored. Let me let you in on a little secret – women are fickle. One minute we want a soft caress, the next minute we are hollering expletives that our mothers would be ashamed of. We are definitely chameleons. And we need you to remix your “game plan.” So surprise her. If you always do A then B then C.. tonight start with B, pull out a brand new D then go back to A. No one says throw your bag of tricks away… just remix it.

2. (I’m about to get high fives from every husband I know.) Ready? Ladies, you have to have sex more often! (I’m pausing right here because men everywhere are standing up giving me a round of applause.) Sista, you have to be in the mood more than his birthday, anniversary and Dr. King Day. Yes, I know you’re busy. Yes, I know the kids are forever calling your name. Yes, I know all of that. But you have to tap into your inner sexy. Think back to when you first met your husband or first got married. You couldn’t keep your hands off him. So take a day off from being a wife and mommy. Have the hubs pick up some McDonalds for the kids and drop them off at your mama’s house. Let the laundry pile up for a day. Grab a bottle of wine and rekindle that spark. The flames are still there, you just have to stroke the embers.

2. Quit thinking you are going to get the good-good if you haven’t helped out around the house. (The ladies have just welcomed me back to the team!) You can not expect anyone to fix dinner, check homework, wash clothes, clean bathrooms, work 50 hours a week, change diapers, braid hair, and break you off all in the same day. You want some loving? Then start engaging in household foreplay. What’s that? Oh that is where you do a chore on your wife’s to-do list. The scene goes a bit like this –
Man: rubbing on his wife “Baby, I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
Wife: pulling away from hubs, “Boy please. I gotta fix this dinner and lil’ Jimmy has soccer practice in a minute. Not to mention I have laundry to do.”
Man: Pulling wife back to him, “Don’t worry about that.. I already fed Jimmy and he is at Bobby’s house. Bobby’s mama is taking them to soccer. I picked up dinner for us, and as for the laundry – it’s folded and already put away.”
Wife: “For real?” Boom bam! She is butt naked and it’s on and popping.

3. Men are visual creatures. Men are visual creatures. Men are visual creatures. Yes, you have to shave the whole leg. Yes, you are going to have to wax there. Yes, you are going to have to invest in sexy lingerie. You need to channel your inner Draya-Trina-Pussycat Doll and work it! Don’t stress over it. Buy the Halloween costumes on November 2 and play dress up. Your man will eat it up!

3. Personal grooming matters for your too! Umm-hmmm! If your hangnails will mangle her lower regions, go get a manicure. Shower up and smell nice before coming to bed. No one wants “fresh off the toilet” or work funk all in the bed with them trying to be sexy. And a little lotion won’t hurt either. All over lotion – not just your elbows and knees.

4. Learn something new. Take a moment and read a Zane book or two. Try to play “helicopter” with the ceiling fan. Do yoga naked and see what happens. Play twister in bottoms only. Go on a field trip to the Hustler store and each of you buy one thing you want to try. Read The Joy of Sex or the Kama Sutra. Try one of the poses. Keep it lighthearted and fun. Remember, this is your spouse. If you got married at 30 and live to 90, that is 60 years of sex with that one person. The one person that you love more than anyone else on the planet. The one person that can make your toes curl over and over again. So try something different. If you like it, keep it as part of your sexual repertoire. If not, try something new the next night.

Either way you will keep the marriage bed – and the marriage – happy.

Neysa Ellery Taylor lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband, Chris, and their 4 children – Asyen, Maya, Preston, and Patrick. An Emmy-Award winning journalist, she hopes to share her passion for marriage and God through her writing. You can read more of her work at

Pride Prevented Me From Telling My Wife I Love Her. Pride Ruined My Relationship.

Hello, just wanted to say first off that your blog keeps me inspired and is very informative.  I see people really blog about real life and lay it all out on the table.  The one about needing to focus on me instead of my wife’s faults struck a nerve.  I am dealing with the negative results of that situation.  So much that I was actually putting my feelings on paper.  It started out as a vent to myself, but then I thought what if I sent it to you guys because I cannot make sense of my situation at this point.  I am no blogger, writer, or journalist.  I am just someone who is going through a tough tribulation in my marriage right now.  I am in no way looking for any notariaty;  You don’t even have to post this to your blog, but maybe shoot me a response personally. It would be good to probably get opinions from other men and women who went through the same thing. You don’t know me unlike the people who deal with me so maybe I could get a more unbiased opinion. I’ve attached it… Thanks for your time.

My thought right now is “Who am I fooling?”.  She said it’s over between us.  Or at least this is what it feels like.   I’ve gotten off track before but how did I get this far off track?  A good friend told me yesterday it was nothing but PRIDE that I allowed to ruin it.  PRIDE wouldn’t let me forgive her.  PRIDE stopped me from telling her how much she meant to me.  I’m saying it now but it seems as if it may be too late so she seems not to be buying it.  PRIDE prevented me from what was in front of me rather go off assumptions and accusations.  PRIDE stopped me from telling her I loved her every day.  PRIDE is the reason I kept throwing it in her face that I was tired and I wanted out.  I wish she knew that wasn’t how I really felt.  I was frustrated but didn’t know how to say it. I did tell her after the fact but it was too late. My communication skills are horrible when it comes to us.  Maybe it was something passed down. I don’t want to make excuses because I am a grown man.  We’ve survived almost 14 years so there must’ve been some time where I did all the right things.  PRIDE made me shut down and not speak to anyone about how I felt other than show disdain for her; I probably could’ve gotten some good pointers on how to handle this situation.  Instead I’m sitting here feeling defeated trying not to wear my emotions on my face while working.  She does have me quite confused because after going back and reading text messages a few days after she told she wanted a divorce, she was clearly disappointed that it seemed that I had given up but claim to want to make things right.  She also said my reaction was helping her decision, but she really didn’t want to end our marriage. Me being stubborn, I went straight to the couch, took my ring off, gave her the silent treatment like it was her fault.  She asked why did I take off my ring, literally begged me sleep in our bed, and told me I didn’t have to leave just yet.  Speaking of faults, she admitted hers to the fullest and even commended me for putting up with what she put me through (it was more than the average person would put up with. She cheated, I chose to stay).  Yet in the end, she wants to leave me.  Or does she?  Does she just want me to step it up or is she really done?  In the last few days, I’ve tried to go back and start doing those little things but it feels like it’s too little too late.  I send the sweet texts and get no response, tell her I love her and get no answer, we do talk especially about the kids (14, 10, 6).  She even went as far as getting a second job so she could make her ends meet when she know she doesn’t even have to work at all because I make more than enough.  She says she doesn’t want my money, just take care of my children.  Is she really done or am I just allowing PRIDE to let me see what it wants me to? Our 9th wedding anniversary is next week, and there has been no mention of it.  I’m really in bad shape right now, but I have heard that a love that is never tested cannot be trusted…

7 Secrets Of A Satisfying Marriage

By David Valencia

An Ideal marriage has:

~ Harmony


~One Mind

But the reality is that most marriages have:




People say:  “I feel cheated “.  “I started with an ideal and in a few months or years it turned into an ordeal.  Then I

began to wish or look for a new deal.”

What happened? Good marriages don’t just happen.  Good marriages take:

Energy and Effort

The “good news” is that you don’t have to change your life completely in order to make your marriage better.

Actually, minor changes will bring major changes. So, what does it take to have a satisfying marriage?

1.  It takes…  Communication.

The  average couple today spends 4 minutes a day in meaningful conversation,
a total of 28 minutes a week!

But, people spend 46 hours watching television each week.

Without learning to communicate and making time to listen to each other,
there will not be any progress in the relationship.

Added to that, we know that men and women communicate differently.

So many people assume that their mate thinks as they do….They don’t!!!

Think of what you think….then consider the opposite.
Your mate’s language, needs, desires are different.

Never say:  ” You shouldn’t feel that way!   When you do, you devalue your mate’s feelings.
When you devalue their feelings, they will immediately shut down and any open lines of
communication will shut down as well.

2.  It takes… Consideration.

But How?

Start by paying close attention to what your mate says when they are talking to you.

Became aware and regularly ask things like:

How do you feel?

May I help you?

I would love doing that for you!

Bring the groceries in for her.

Wait until both of her legs are in the car before you take off!!!

Find out in how many ways you could make his/her life easier.

Think about these 5 funny yet very real stages in a marriage:

First Year:  “Baby darling, I am worried about that sniffle you have and I’ve called the Doctor to see you immediately.  After that I want you to take a break and rest here at home and I will be preparing your favorite meals for dinner for the whole week!

Second Year:  ” Sweet heart, I don’t like the sound of that cough and I have arranged for Dr. Johnson to see you tomorrow and right now let me tuck in bed.”

Third Year:  ” You look like you have a fever. Why don’t you drive yourself to the pharmacy and get some medicine. I’ll watch the kids.”

Fourth Year:  ” Look, be sensible, after you feed and bathe the kids and wash the dishes  you ought to go to bed.”

Fifth Year:  ” For Pete’s sake, do you have to cough that loud? I can’t even hear the TV.  Would you mind going to the other room while this show is on? You sound like a barking dog.”

Don’t be afraid to evaluate yourself.

Am I considerate only when I am in a good mood?

Do I readily help my mate when she or he asks?

Do I look for creative ways to lighten his or her load?

3.  It takes…  Compromise.

The wedding day…” First you walk down the isle, then you come to the altar,
then you hear the hymn, and now it’s time to alter him”

The minister asks: Will you? One says, ” I do”…while the other is thinking: ” I’ll re-do”

Every marriage has problems.
No matter who you are, you will disagree.
When two people agree in everything, one of them is not necessary.
The greater the differences, the more potential is there to grow.
Your mate is the greatest tool you have available to become more mature.

You have to learn to compromise!

Here is a list of examples:

1.  What about vacations?  Go to 30 places in 10 days? Or stay in one place?
2.  One wants to plan everything in advance and the other wants to get in the car and leave.
3.  How are you going to raise the kids?
4.  How are you going to spend money?

Some of you are morning people.
Some of you are night people.

What about sex?   One is saying: Drop everything!
While the other says: Drop dead!

More marriages die because of inflexibility and an unwillingness to change
than they do for alcoholism, abuse, infidelity.

What is the big problem?
Your unwillingness to change!

Don’t be afraid to evaluate yourself and make some changes.

I can be stubborn and unwilling to compromise.
We have to talk about the issues on which we disagree.
We need to stay with the issue until we compromise.
Both of us must commit to go the extra mile for each other and our marriage.

4.  It takes…  Courtship

A satisfying marriage has:

~Physical affection
~They enjoy each other

” If there was more courting in marriage, there would be fewer marriages in court.”

The Problem:   The things you did at the beginning of your courtship, you stopped doing.
Now you see each other at the worst part of the day when energies have been used.

Don’t just share the chores but share the joys and the things you have in common.

You say: ” We have nothing in common!” Well, then I ask you: What do you think attracted you
to her in the first place?

Someone said: ” Opposites attack and then opposites attack.”

Don’t be afraid to evaluate yourself.

1.  Is courtship non-existent?
2.  Do you still write love notes?
3.  Do we schedule a date regularly?

5.  It takes…Confrontation

Question: Do you openly bring up your mate’s liabilities privately or publicly?
Please do it only privately!!!

Kindly, if necessary, point out things in your mate that need to change to make the relationship better.

” As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend.”

” An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.”

6.  It takes…Commitment

Your marriage is what you make it to be!

Remember that you married someone who was willing to put up with you!

Your # 1 enemy is your selfishness, so, do you do what is best for you or what’s best for your mate?
Your answer will tell you what king of a commitment you have.

The secret for your marriage is how much are you willing to sacrifice your rights and serve your mate.

Where is the grass greener?… where you water it!

Most marriages get stuck in:
Comparing and complaining – and all the energies are used doing so.

” Your commitment is shown by how willing you are to be unhappy until you both work it out”

Here is a Success Tip: ” How do you get to change your mate?…by changing yourself.”

Don’t be afraid to evaluate  yourself.

Are you toying with divorce?
Are you using divorce as a threat?
Is divorce not an option for you?

7. It takes… God

Morning prayer:

” Help me to have,

1.  Uncompromising love 2.  Unconditional acceptance 3.  Total fidelity 4.  Ceaseless devotion 5.  Untiring service 6.  Unending sacrifice

God gives us not what we deserve but what we need.

When you know you have been loved like that, you will want to love your mate in the same way.

Ask yourself:

What does she/he need from me? not what you think they need but what do they really need?

If you have the courage to answer that question… then you will grow a marriage with:

1.  Good communication.
2.  Alert consideration.
3.  Willing compromise.
4.  Creative courtship.
5.  Humble confrontation.
6.  Unwavering commitment.

David Valencia, has spent more than 20 years counseling/coaching people through the most difficult issues of their lives. Not just a counselor or coach, he’s a man who has made mistakes himself and has personally worked through difficulties associated with guilt, grief, forgiveness and more. David’s underlying motivation is to help others. He has a B.S. in psychology and a Masters of Divinity. In addition to coaching David has been a minister and college professor. He lives in the mountains of Pennsylvania with his wife, 3 daughters, an “issue-ridden” springer spaniel and 2 cats. He enjoys reading, cooking, riding motorcycles, and restoring old homes.

Ever Thought About Renewing Your Vows? Here’s How!

By Nina Callaway

In this world where divorce seems to be the norm, a couple managing to stay together through thick and thin deserves some celebration! If you and your spouse have made it to a significant anniversary, or you just want to have a “do-over” wedding, consider a vow renewal.

Reasons You Might Want a Vow Renewal

-You want to celebrate your 5-year, 10-year, 25-year etc. wedding anniversary

-You only got married legally before, and now want to marry religiously

-You only got married religiously before, and now want to marry legally

Your first wedding had some element of disaster, and you want a do-over

-You didn’t have much money for your first wedding, and you want a more elaborate wedding

-You got married with only a few people present, and you’d like to say wedding vows in front of lots of family and friends

You’ve had some rocky times in your relationship, and would now like to reaffirm your commitment to one another

-You think it would be romantic

A Bad Reason to Have a Vow Renewal Ceremony

-You miss wedding planning and want to throw another party. The focus of any wedding, but especially a vow renewal, should be the promises you are making to each other, and the sacred ritual of marriage, not the party.

How to renew your wedding vows

-The good news is, there are far less rules and dos and don’ts about vow renewal than almost any other kind of ritual. It can be as simple as the two of you alone in a beautiful spot reciting vows you have written, or a fancy affair with hundreds of guests.

First Steps

Just as with any wedding planning, you should begin by figuring out what style of ceremony/reception you’d like, deciding a budget, picking a date and finding a venue. Some couples who are older will have much more money than when they wed the first time; others whose parents helped the first time will have far less. The good news is that vow renewals are generally cheaper than first weddings, and with less rules on what “should” be done, you can really concentrate on the elements that are important to you.

How Elaborate Should a Vow Renewal Be?

The answer to this question lies in your own reason for wanting a vow renewal ceremony. Many people chose to renew their vows because they were so caught up in the planning and the partying of their first wedding, they felt the focus of the day was taken off of the ceremony. Therefore, most vow renewals tend to be intimate celebrations, with only close family and friends present, and a lunch afterwards at a nice restaurant. Others who didn’t have much money for their first wedding have very lavish ceremonies and parties afterwards.

Even if you want a big and expensive celebration, there are still a few things you should avoid:

Don’t have attendants. If you have children, you can give them a special role in the ceremony, but there is no need to designate them as bridesmaids or groomsmen. You may wish to invite your original bridal party and recognize them during the ceremony.

Don’t register for gifts. This is not the time to upgrade the china. Wedding gifts are to help a newly-married couple set up their household together.

Don’t throw bachelor or bachelorette parties. This is an obvious one – you aren’t bachelors or bachelorettes!

Who Should Lead the Vow Renewal?

Since presumably you have already done the legal marriage, this ceremony will not be legally binding. Therefore, you can ask a judge or clergy member to officiate, but you can also ask a friend or an adult child to lead the ceremony. For a simple vow renewal, you don’t necessarily need an officiant at all.

Vow Renewal Invitation Wording

If you are hosting it yourself:

The honor of your presence

is requested at

the reaffirmation of the wedding vows of

Sharon and Martin Jones

Saturday, March 25 etc.


Please join us

as we renew our wedding vows and celebrate 25 years together

Sharon and Martin Jones

Saturday, March 25 etc.

If your children are hosting it:

The children of

Sharon and Martin Jones

Request the honor of your presence

at the vow renewal ceremony of their parents


Wedding Vows at a Vow Renewal Ceremony

You’ll probably want to say something a little different than first-time brides and grooms would. Many people write their own vows.

At the end of the day these are general guidelines and recommendations. The most important thing is that you and your sweetheart are happy and satisfied!

BLAM Fam: Anyone out there considering a vow renewal ceremony? Has the planning being going as you expected?

Nina Callaway is a writer and event planner who has guided many couples through the complicated yet rewarding process of wedding planning. She’s had the joy of being the weddings guide for since 2003. Follow Nina on Twitter.


‘There is a need; there is a hunger in our community for positive images, for real images of Black folks who are in love and committed to each other and committed to building family.’ —Aiyana Ma’at

Where Is The Love: By Starla Muhammad (The Final Call Oct. 4th 2011 Volume 30 # 52)

Though marriages as a whole are on the decline in the United States, successful and thriving marriages between Black men and women do exist and must be uplifted, say Black marriage advocates.

Just ask Ayize and Aiyana Ma’at of Washington, D.C. The former high school sweethearts have been together 15 years, married for eight and are the proud parents of four children. Mr. and Mrs. Ma’at coach and counsel couples and singles by offering life and relationship guidance and advice as well as pre and post-marital counseling through their organization The couple has conducted numerous workshops and classes and say Black marriage today must be rooted in what it actually means to be married.

“Yes, there are some statistics out here that reflect the fact that marriage doesn’t necessarily appear to be in the best shape in the Black community but the reality is that you have a whole bunch of people like ourselves who are out here working trying to restore that image, restore the faith,” Mr. Ma’at told The Final Call.

“You know you have a lot of married couples out here who are actually doing the thing, you know making marriage work and making marriage look good,” he adds. While there may be a large number of Black women and men that are single, there are answers within the Black community to address the issue of marriage, says Mr. Ma’at, a marriage and relationship educator and graduate of Bowie State University.

Part of the problem says, Mrs. Ma’at is that many in the Black community have “bought into this sense of individualism” instead of learning how to persevere and “be part of something that is bigger than ourselves.”

Have Black men and women bought into a manufactured “media-hype” about one another that has helped initiate fin- ger pointing and cause friction with one another? Has this distrust contributed to the fact that over 70 percent of Black children are being raised in single parent households and that marriage among Blacks has declined in recent years?

“Educated Black people are more likely to marry Whites,” “Only 3 ‘Good’ Black men for every 100 Black women,” “Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women?” “Why can’t professional Black women find a man?”, “Our men need to step up to the plate” and “The top 10 reasons why it’s hard to date a Black woman,” are just a few out of thousands of articles, online blogs and books that appear aimed at turning Black men and women against one another.

This is by design explains, Ava Muhammad, attorney and a national spokesperson for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. “If we can agree that Black marriage is a target, then we can begin to look objectively at how do you go about destroying it. Well, one of the primary things you want to do is make the male and female unattractive to one another,” says Atty. Muhammad.

“By nature we are all born with a genetic preference for our own kind. It’s in your genes to prefer to mate with your own kind and so to go other than that you’d have to actually be made to act in opposition to the nature in which you are created. And so that’s not going to happen unless there is something proactive to make that happen,” she adds.

Atty. Muhammad, a student minister in the Nation of Islam, wife and mother, says with the Black man and women being made “other than themselves,” the natural inclination toward one another has been altered and overcome “by constant artificial barriers between us.”

“You have the Black man with media images and concepts which continually inflict on his brain this idea that his own woman is undesirable. On the side the woman, you have her now being bombarded with this idea that the (Black) man is incapable,” says Atty. Muhammad.

“When it comes to this whole representation in the media that sisters might look outside of the community in order to find love because there’s not a good representation of Black men that are available and willing to step up to the plate, I definitely want to challenge that,” says Mr. Ma’at.

Black men are out here making moves and there are a lot of successful Black men Mr. Ma’at argues. He also challenges the notion that all successful Black men are looking to White women to be in relationships with, saying that 80 percent of Black men that are married, are married to Black women.

The ramifications of this negative propaganda have trickled down into the mindset of Black children and teens and their outlook on marriage; a reflection of what is happening with the older generation points out Mrs. Ma’at, a graduate of Clark Atlanta University and who like her husband is a certified marriage and relationship educator.

In her work with young people, Mrs. Ma’at says they do not have a high regard for marriage because they do not see good examples in their families or communities, something that must change.

“Time and time again when I’ve asked these young people … I’m talking hundreds of young people, most of them, the majority of them say, ‘I don’t have anyone that I can look to that I think has a good marriage, has a good relationship so no, why should I get married? I can just have a baby or we can just go together.’ They are literally saying they’re not seeing it (marriage) around them,” Mrs. Ma’at told The Final Call.

“So we’ve definitely got to focus on our children and being able to give them something to reference in their everyday, real and practical lives,” she adds.

Wedded Bliss Foundation, a community-based organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., is also dedicated to educating the Black community on the purpose and value of marriage. Under the direction of the group’s executive director and founder, Nisa Islam Muhammad, who is also a Final Call staff writer, Wedded Bliss helps teens, singles and couples create healthy relationships and healthy marriages so more children grow up with the benefits of a two-parent family.

Under the direction of Nisa Islam Muhammad, Black Marriage Day was created in 2002 as a way for Black communities around the country to honor, celebrate and promote marriage and family. Observed and celebrated the fourth Sunday of March, Black Marriage Day organizers encourage communities to come up with fun and creative ways to educate the community on “why marriage matters.”

Hosting events like, “First Comes Love” film festivals, inducting couples into a marriage “Hall of Fame” and other activities are a few suggestions offered by Wedded Bliss Foundation to promote marriage in the Black community.

“I try my best to really make marriage look good,” says Mr. Ma’at. “I try to be a representation not just via our social media platform but publicly … I’m proud to wear my ring; I’m proud to hold my wife’s hand; I’m proud to be out and about with my family and I have no problem at all saying that,” he adds.

On the couple’s website and on Youtube are posted over 200 videos where they discuss a variety of relationship issues that help individuals and couples navigate the joys and challenges of marriage. Response to the Ma’at’s online marriage videos has been tremendous they say.

“There is a need; there is a hunger in our community for positive images, for real images of Black folks who are in love and committed to each other and com- mitted to building family and if more people would do it, if more people would just figure out how they can contribute … it could be going and having a conversation with some little girls about marriage and that kind of thing,” says Mrs. Ma’at.

“I think that this is a thing that people want; I know that they want it but it’s just not out here enough. We’re not talk- ing about it enough,” says Mrs. Ma’at.

(This is the second in a two-part series examining Black marriage. Part one appeared in the previous edition of The Final Call.)

In The Spirit Of Black Love…Can We Ever “Bury” The N-Word?

By Ayize Ma’at

During my matriculation at Bowie State University, I was an outspoken opponent against the use of the n-word.  I participated in several spoken word events where I firmly expressed my disapproval and disdain for a word which I believed had outlived it’s historical necessity.  Initially, embracing the word nigger may have been an appropriate coping mechanism meant to minimize psychological scars from slavery.  Unfortunately, the consequence of adopting maladaptive behaviors to deal with a hostile environment may be more injurious than they are uplifting because they leave you with habits of holding on to “useless stuff” when it should’ve been let go a long time ago.  Instead of remixing the word (nigger into nigga) how bout we release the word and replace it with two words that also have two syllables “brotha” and “sista”.  I believe once a “nigga”, always a “nigga” ….unless you stop calling yourself “nigga”.  Brotha’s and Sista’s…. Stop Playin’ and Start Pushin’.

In the excerpt below from Tammie Lang Campbell, founder and executive director of the Honey Brown Hope Foundation makes her position about the n-word clear: No one should be using it. Period. In an interview with the CBS affiliate KENS 5 in San Antonio, the Houston native explained, “We do a disservice to our fore-parents, to ourselves, to our mothers and fathers, to our children to use that word or to accept anyone using it.”  She along with many others share the common belief that eradicating the n-word from our vocabularies would bring about a dramatic shift in how we relate to each other, how we relate to the world, and how the world relates to us.  CLICK HERE to read more from The Grio.

BLAM Fam what do you think?  In the spirit of black love…can we ever “bury” the n-word?

Do You And Your Boo Have A Theme Song?

By Aiyana Ma’at

Do you have a song that makes you stop whatever you’re doing, put that pen or pencil down, turn the stove off for a second (so you don’t burn what you’re cooking) or tell that person you’re on the phone with that you gotta hit them back? Does the music slowly overtake you in such a way that you can’t help but to start moving your head, your hips, and snapping your fingers?

Maaaaan! If you don’t YOU NEED TO GET ONE! I’ve got a few but one of my most favoritest (I know it ain’t a word but I’m using it!) songs in the whole wide world that literally forces me onto my feet and into my imaginary world where I’m onstage and in the groove is “There’ll Never Be” by Switch.

Lawd! I looove that song and by virtue of my love for it-it it is now an automatic head bopper for the love of my life, Ayize. What started out as my super special song has become a theme song in our house that makes us stop, look at each other and start grooving. Me..all over the floor dancing, swaying, and crooning. Hubby….sitting, head bopping, snapping, and looking (at me that is). It is our cue to connect. It is our permission to let it all hang out for a few minutes. It is (one of) our theme songs and as small as that may seem it is one of the fundamental reasons we are as close and in love as we are. Some folks may say C’mon, it’s really not that serious…..but we know better.

Stop Playing. Start pushing.

I Love Being Married To An Imperfect Man

By Lana Moline

I love being married to an imperfect man.  He’s not very talkative and sometimes falls asleep in the middle of good movie but, truth is, I absolutely adore him.  His imperfection challenges me to look beyond the surface to find other solutions to life. I am more creative, quicker and extremely resourceful.  I don’t know that I would have reached my level had it not been for his imperfection.  I don’t know that I would be as strong had I not cried a few times and had him wipe the tears away.  I can’t say that I would strive as diligently as I do to carve out the authentic me, the one who needs to make a positive impact in this world somehow.  The imperfect man who loves the imperfect me is my dichotomy of love and the older I get the more I realize how important that love is and how much I crave it.

With love, just like life, I want all that is due.   I want the multiplicity of love.  I want the heart racing, anticipation of “when can I see you again?”  When can I hold you again?  When can I kiss you again?  My heartbeats are dull when you are gone.  My breaths are shallow and my outlook is somewhere between dreary and bleak.  I figure if I were married to a perfect man, there would be nothing to aspire to, nothing to improve upon, little still to achieve.  I am imperfect too and my imperfection needs balance and an equally flawed shoulder to cry on in this big, imperfect world and maybe together, somehow, we can define what perfection really means.

Lana Moline is a freelance writer and poet who lives in Fort Worth with her husband and three kids. She has been married 11 years and understands that marriage truly is a journey that is sometimes complicated by our own thoughts, perceptions and feelings. Visit her at her blog