You Down With Public Displays Of Connection?

VIDEO: Ask an African-American teenager whether or not they want to get married. Boy or girl, most likely their answer will be a resounding “No”.  Why? Because, what they see of marriage and love in our community is not convincing, attractive or positive. My mentor ,Wedded Bliss Foundation , Executive Director, Nisa Muhammad  says that “oftentimes we are not good advertisements for marriage.” We gripe more about the negatives than the positives. Our public display, more often than not, sends the message that we are tolerating each other versus the message that we love, adore, and respect each other.

QUESTION: Have you ever stopped to think about the image that you and your spouse project when you leave out of your front door every day? What does your public display say about you?

And You Say He's Just A Friend

VIDEO: What should happen to friends of the opposite sex once you are married? What about new friends of the opposite sex that you’ve met more recently? Should you even have them at all? This is an age old issue that garners varying perspectives. At the end of the day it comes down to trust, respect, and…yup transparency!  Listen in as the The Ma’at’s share what works for them.

Is Being A Single Woman A Bad Thing?

VIDEO: Is there something wrong with being single? Historically, women who have not been married have been looked upon as having unsuccessfully fulfilled their “womaness”. This is unfortunate because there is more to a woman than being with a man….. Growth should be our focus as a couple and as individuals. As long as we keep this value in the forefront of our mind we should find comfort whether single or married in knowing that we are moving along on life’s journey.

What Black Men Think: Public Service Announcement

VIDEO: Check out this clip from Documentary Filmmaker Janks Morton. Here, he explodes some commonly held myths about black men & unveils some hidden truths that many folks are not aware of. We are bombarded with so much information and statistics about black men in the media…but do we ever stop to question the accuracy of what’s being said? We must remember that just because something is said on the news or some other media outlet doesn’t mean it’s the truth.

Keep Yo Mama Out My Kitchen

VIDEO: Interfering In-Laws can be the source of much frustration in an otherwise happy home. This wife writes in about her mother-in -laws incessant need to give her opinion or advice on just about everything. While, often times, parents mean well (and sometimes not!) continuous unsolicited commentary from yo mama is, generally speaking, NOT a good thing.

QUESTION: Who should be the one to handle meddling in-laws in your marriage? Can this unwanted behavior be stopped or is it just a part of the package you commit to when you’re married?

Why Do People Who Are Married Hate On Marriage?

VIDEO: We often say “Marriage is for grown folks.” We choose to emphasize this because we want people to understand and appreciate that the institution of marriage should be respected and approached responsibly. For those people who feel burdened by marriage we suggest you lighten up and lift everyone’s spirits and perception around you because the love you got or once had (and perhaps need to revive)…is what a lot of folks are looking for.

Do Black Men Hate Black Women?

VIDEO: Here, we explore the notion that a growing number of black men HATE black women. When we take into consideration the music, the videos, and the straight up foolishness we see in our community…it’s easy to see why some may suggest that misogyny (the hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women) is an unfortunate pervasive reality for black folks. We wonder….is it really that pervasive?

Sometimes, It Just Ain't That Serious

VIDEO: When your life has been lived and your last days are on the horizon; will you care about all of the seemingly significant things that agitate and irritate you in your relationship today? Oftentimes, in life it can take a catastrophic or near fatal incident to give us perspective and the ability to discern what’s really important and what’s not. But, it shouldn’t have to. You can make a decision today to let some stuff go because 9 times out of 10…it just ain’t that serious.

QUESTION: Do you allow yourself to be unnecessarily agitated by your spouse? Do you fixate on things that just aren’t worth so much focus? What one thing you can let go of today?

He Said. She Said. You Be The Judge.

We receive tons of questions day in and day out here at Some of the questions that come in are from couples so we’ve decided (with their permission) to present both sides and allow you to be the judge. Weigh in by voting below and leaving a comment letting them know what you think.

Couple In Conflict (…and working it out) 😉

  • Anonymous from Hobson City, Alabama
  • Married for 4 years
  • 3 Children

He Says…

I’m pretty bored with my sex life. Our sexual routine happens the same time every time. The movie goes like this….kiss, oral sex, missionary, orgasm. I want to do something different and perform anal sex on my wife. I’ve studied different lubricants and have become informed on the sensitivity of that area. I want to give it a try. I feel like my wife should at least be open to trying.

She Says…

Sex is supposed to be a pleasurable experience. We have sex 1X a week. I enjoy it and our routine. I cringe when I think of anything entering my anus. I don’t feel like I should have to perform tricks for him sexually just because he’s bored. Sex shouldn’t just be about his pleasure but mine as well. If he wants to study lubricants then he should use them on himself. I I think it’s unfair for him to expect anal sex from me.

He Said. She Said. You Be The Judge.

We receive tons of questions day in and day out here at Some of the questions that come in are from couples so we’ve decided (with their permission) to present both sides and allow you to be the judge. Weigh in by voting below and leaving a comment letting them know what you think.

Couple In Conflict (…and workin it out) 😉

  • Robert & Carla Graves from Cincinnati,Ohio
  • Married for 2 and a 1/2 years
  • 3 children

She Says…

I think my husband is immune to giving the children baths. Whenever bath time arrives my husband vanishes right before my eyes and miraculously reappears in the basement sitting on the couch in front of the t.v. I’m not asking that we equally share the responsibility of bathing our children. But I am asking that he participate. I work and I’m tired after work. These are his children too and they need to be cleaned and i’m not the only one that knows how to make a bubble bath.

He Says…

When I get home from work in the evenings I want to relax and not be bothered with that type of task. I feel like she is giving me something additional to do like I don’t have enough on my plate already. She gives the baths and I take out the trash. We both agreed on this when we were in pre-marital counseling. When I give the baths is she gonna take out the trash. NO. Therefore I’m leaving the bathing of our children to her and I’ll handle other important aspects of managing our home. She should handle her business and let me handle mine.