Join Us Tonight At The Black Love Bond: Dating In DC Panel Discussion

Hey Blam Fam,

We’re really excited about the opportunity to be panelist discussing relationship dynamics with other astute minds at the Black Love Bond event tonight at 7pm EST. We will be sharing the spotlight with Helena Andrews (author of “Bitch Is The New Black”), Neecee Simmons (founder of Wifey N Training), Panama Jackson (co-founder of, and Jamal Muhammad (Host and Creator of The Love Lounge Radio Show).  We’re gonna have a good time yall and we hope to see you there.  SINGLES AND COUPLES ARE WELCOME.  CLICK HERE for more details.


Ayize & Aiyana Ma’at Invited To Speak At Covenant Baptist Church On THE ART OF RELATING

By Team Blam

Join us on 7/25/12 at 7:30pm at Covenant Baptist Church Of Christ for an hour of education and inspiration as we speak about The Art Of Relating.  The event is FREE.  Covenant Baptist Church is located 3845 South Capitol St. SW D.C. 20032  This will be a funky, fun, and inspiring presentation aimed at examining who you are and how you can become who you want to be so you can have the types of relationships you deserve and desire to have.

I am a busy body. A giver. A do-er. A helper. An “I got this” “What ya need?” kind of woman. It is unfamiliar, uncomfortable….dare I say foreign territory for me to ask for help and share my uncertainties, my doubts, and the intricacies of my feelings and struggles openly. For those who follow me and my husband you may be thinking “Huh? Is this Aiyana? The same sister who has actually shared quite a bit of herself and her relationship with the world on her website, through speaking, and working with folks directly?” Yeah, it’s me. And, I have a little secret to share…it’s actually easier for me to talk about th

5 Reasons Why Being A Single Man Sucks

Originally appeared at Very Smart Brothas

While most will probably remember 2012 as the “Year Of The YOLO” (and by “most” I mean “like seven people“), it holds special significance for me because it’ll likely be the first year since 2002 where I spent the entire year single. I haven’t completed a full calender year yet — May will make it seven months since the former Lady Champ and I decided to go our separate ways — but because I seem to enjoy doing random anthropological experiments on myself for absolutely no reason (and because I’m an INTJ and INTJs apparently suck at relationships), I’m confident that I’ll make it to 2013 without having to change my Facebook relationship status again.

Anyway, if I could sum up my seven months of singledom in one word, it would most likely be “interesting.” I’ve met some “interesting” people, done some “interesting” things, made some “interesting” decisions, and, most importantly, thought some “interesting” thoughts. The most “interesting” of these “interesting” thoughts? Being a single man is kind of overrated.

Now, as I stated on the day where I wrote about orgasms, “overrated” doesn’t mean “bad.” In fact, as the careers of Tupac and Derrick Rose continue to prove, something can be very, very good — even great — and still be overrated. I’ve enjoyed being single, and will likely continue to enjoy it. But, while it seems like many assume that being a single man (a single Black man, at that) is nothing but an utopic stream of easy popsicles, cold pancakes, and syrupy p*ssy, there are a few downsides.

1. It can be very lonely

As a person who wanted to be single, is a natural introvert, and generally enjoys doing things by himself, I’m surprised by how, for lack of a better term, “noticeable” the solitude and loneliness of singledom can be. Even when seeing multiple people and/or having tons of friends, being single means that you are…single, by yourself, and there may be times when you want to have someone around but there will be no one that you want to be around readily available to be around.

Then, to add insult to injury, if you’re an angsty motherf*cker like me, you’ll start thinking things like “Wait. I’m a single man. A single Black man. My dad named me after Dolemite. Shaka Zulu is my second cousin. People who’ve never even met me call me “Champ” for chrissakes. Why the f*ck do I feel lonely right now?” which’ll make it even worse.

2. You have to wear condoms. And, wearing condoms sucks

If you’re one of the 137 people left on Earth who always has protected sex — even if in a long-term, monogamous relationship — just skip this section and move on to #3. Also, I’ve left a plate of gotdamn sugar cookies at the end of this post as a reward for your duty. Please eat them with a gotdamn smile.

If you’re not one of these people, you should be able to relate to how frustrating it’s been to go from condom-less sex to having to worry about having gotdamn condoms all the damn time. And, even if you’re not actively having sex, “Do I have condoms?” and “Since I don’t have condoms, is there somewhere close where I can buy them?” always has to be on your mind.

Also, from a logistical perspective, they’re a hassle to put on, they smell like a pack of slutty balloons, and “sex with condoms” will always be the Mike Conley of coitus.

There is always the alternative — just don’t wear condoms while single, either — but I think one Cromartie per generation is enough.

(Btw, is it just me, or has the price of condoms spiked dramatically in the past four years? I was last single in 2008, and I don’t remember a box of condoms costing as much as it does to fill a gas tank. Does this qualify as a “first world problem?” If a Black blogger bitches about condoms in the woods, would Kanye’s missing draws make a sound?

As much as condoms suck, they don’t suck as much as…

3. Having to participate in the dating game

In a paradox so annoying that I almost didn’t mention it today because I plan on spending an entire day on this sole topic soon, I love meeting new, interesting women but I hate the process that usually goes along with meeting new, interesting women.

I understand (and appreciate) the purpose of the process, but knowing why it’s necessary doesn’t mean that you have to enjoy it.

4. The superficial romantic connections synonymous with singledom gets old

Ironically, the best thing about being a single man — possessing the ability to have myriad short, commitment-free relationships AT THE SAME DAMN TIME!!! — ends up being one of the worst after enough time has passed.

This actually hasn’t happened to me yet. I guess I’m still in the single honeymoon phrase. But, I’m certain it will, and the thought of this happening is already depressing me.

Actually, this entire list is getting depressing. ***Making note to self to make sure tomorrow’s post is about the playoffs or strippers or something***

CLICK HERE to read more.

A Positive Deposit In The Lives Of Our Children

VIDEO: We are often complimented when we are out and about with our children on how well behaved our babies are. After smiling and showing appreciation for the compliment we usually give each other a look of affirmation that says “We’re doing a good job baby.” Because of the numerous compliments we get and inquiries on what we do to manage our children we decided to do more post that focus on parenting. In this video we share a key ingredient that we believe has led us to having success in raising well behaved and well adjusted children.


CLICK HERE for INDIVIDUAL or COUPLES COACHING  (via phone, skype, or in person)


CLICK HERE to lean how to communicate more effectively with your partner and SPEAK LOVE RIGHT

Relationship Expert Ayize Ma’at On Washington Watch With Roland Martin Talking About Steve Harvey’s Hit Movie “Think Like A Man”

This past Friday one half of the BLAM team (Ayize Ma’at) had the honor of visiting Roland Martin’s show Washington Watch and engaging in a round table discussion about Steve Harvey’s new movie….”Think Like A Man”.  The other panelist were good folks and made the experience all the more enjoyable.

Ayize & FREE (WPGC 95.5)

Ayize & Krissah Thompson (National Staff Writer for Washington Post)

Janks Morton (Creator of several thought provoking documentaries such as What Black Men Think)

*my bad Janks for not getting a picture with ya*

The conversation centered around what women want from men when dating and whether realistic expectations are set when searching for the man of their dreams. After we finished taping the show we continued with some behind the scenes dialogue that was really engaging.  The question came up….Would you give a man the time of day if he was ‘fine as hell’ and worked behind the McDonald’s counter?….That question was then followed by….Well did you know that McDonald’s requires even those who are franchise owner’s to work in the establishment they own? Hmmm.

BLAM Fam dating women, those are just a few things to think about as you continue your search for Mr. Right.  Most importantly focus on you FIRST so you avoid becoming a slave to the process of searching for someone to make you whole.

What The “Other Man” Does……That You Don’t

VIDEO: Yesterday,we did a video focusing on what it is that the mistress is doing—that the wife is not—that makes it easy for a man to turn his head and step out in what is supposed to be a committed & monogamous relationship. Well, today we are looking to the other side and shedding some light on exactly what is it that husbands may not do. If we be real about it….every relationship has challenges. But what is it that provokes a woman to step outside of the relationship when confronted with those shortcomings? Is there something that husbands can do differently to reduce this possibility? You’re about to find out as relationship coach & marriage educator, Aiyana Ma’at, breaks it down for us. Listen in and assess where you fall. Are you leaving your relationship vulnerable?

This is Real Talk…..BLACK MEN: You are loved…Please listen up. It’s a reasonable expectation to be pleased in your relationship. You should expect to be pleased by your woman and YOU have a responsibility to do some pleasing. With that being said….WE NEED YOU. Black women need you to give undivided attention, spend quality time, and provide……yes, financially. These are just some of the things that the “other man” does…..that you don’t. And, what the Hell, I’m gonna throw in some “other things” that aren’t necessarily what the other man does—but husbands could certainly pay more attention to.

*Knows me inside and out: Seek out your woman’s interests. What is it that she really enjoys? What makes her tick? Encourage her in those things. Challenge her to be the best that she can be.

*Spends Quality Time: To really know someone you have to continually be committed to the process of getting to know that person. Why is it that once we’re married alot of folks think that this process stops? You have to be intentional about engaging in things that will help us to deepen our knowledge of each other, our bond, and our respect for each other.

*Give Undivided Attention: Every woman wants to know and feel that she is at the center of her man’s world. She wants to know that you care about what she cares about….just because she does. We want to have conversations that are not interrupted by sports shows, a text coming in, checking your email, or you glancing at your watch for the 100th time—and your wife has only been talking for 2 minutes–literally.

*Buy me gifts sometimes: Whether you believe it or not it really is the thought that truly counts here. It could be a rose from the grocery store, a card you pick up on the way home, or a new dress you know I’ve had my eye on. Whatever it is, to know you thought about me and took the time to buy something just for me is wonderful!

* Stimulate me mentally: Talk to me. Listen to my ideas and share yours with me. This is often one of the biggest turn ons husbands can ignore.

* Take care of yourself: Pay attention to your health. Pay attention to that tummy fat that seems to keep growing. 🙂 Exercise so you can be around for the family and because you wanna keep it sexy just for wifey.

*Help with the kids and the housework: This should be self-explanatory. A man who helps out more with housework and handling kids gets more sex—plain and simple. Help a sistah out so we’re not to damn tired to give you some.

*Pay me a compliment every now and then: Let me know that you see me. It’s so important. Women want to be desirable to our men. If you don’t tell us someone else will…

*Pay attention to the details: When you remember what we share with you down to the most minute detail that spells love to us. We know you won’t be perfect in this area. But, make an effort. Write it down! Shooot!

* Handle your Business. Pay the Bills: Hey, If men can talk about how important getting home cooked meals and being catered to is in 2010, then you know it’s only natural that we keep it 100% honest here and say—PULL YOUR WEIGHT. Bring something to the table……yeah financially. Out of work? Look for employment like your life depends on it. Share in the financial discussions and decision making. Handle your business.

Take on Leadership in the relationship:We ALL have the ability to lead.  We ALL have strengths. But, there is something irresistibly sexy & attractive about a confident man who knows who he is, whose he is, and where he is going.

Allright B Intentional Family, this list is by NO means indisputable or all there is, but these are just some of the things that you could and should take to heart when asking “Am I holding it down in my house? Be honest with yourself. Stop Playing. Start Pushing. Leave a comment and let us know how you feel.

Question…do you have a bucket list?  How about a bucket list for your marriage?  If so …what does that look like?  Marriages are comprised of several different components, i.e. intimacy, money, parenting, sex, etc.  If you were to write down several things that you want to do in your marriage before you or your spouse dies…what would those things be.  The intention of this exercise is not for you to reflect on your mortality, but rather for you to establish some goals that you and your spouse can get excited about looking forward to.  So take each of the main categories in the life of your relationship and create a bucket list for that category.  To create some spark and excitement immediately in your relationship how bout you start with the

blackloveandmarriage badge code

Here’s the site where I found how to make the badge:

Like what you see? Be a part of the movement that is Grab our badge for your blog or website! Each One. Teach One.
Black Love And

Firstly, you must create or design a badge or image for your blog, a little tip; make your badge suits your blog’s design or what is your blog all about, you can many pictures on the internet that you can edit with paint or some other image editing softwares, and don’t forget to add creativity to your badge to make it look more interesting.

Second, After creating or designing your blog’s badge your next step is to upload it to a free image hosting, such as photobucket, imageshack or flickr, or any other image hosting sites you prefer to use, after uploading copy and paste the image “Direct link” or “streaming link” on your notepad.

Third, now your ready for the coding section and this is how you’ll do it:

Use this template for your Grab my Badge widget:

<p><b>Up for a Link Exchange? Would love to exchange links and/or badges with you! Let me know so I can link you up too!<b></b></b></p>



<textarea cols=”25″ id=”bloglinking” name=”bloglinking” onclick=”this.focus();” onfocus=”” readonly=”readonly” rows=”2″>&lt;a href=&quot;YOUR BLOG ADDRESS HERE&quot; title=&quot;YOUR BLOG TITLE HERE&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;YOUR IMAGE DIRECT LINK HERE&quot; alt=&quot;YOUR BLOG TITLE HERE&quot; title=&quot;YOUR BLOG TITLE HERE&quot; /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</textarea><br />

Copy the code above to notepad and modify it according to your blog, se Legend below:


YOUR BLOG’s ADDRESS HERE: change this into your blog’s url or address such as

YOUR IMAGE DIRECT LINK HERE: change this into the image direct link you created and uploaded earlier. example:

YOUR BLOG TITLE HERE: change this into your blog’s title,.example: Blog Tricks and Tips

Up for a Link Exchange? Would love to exchange links and/or badges with you! Let me know so I can link you up too!: You can change this into anything you like that would make your visitors or friends grab your blog’s badge

Last Step:

Go to your Dashboard->YourBlog->Layout->Add Widget->HTML/JavaScript

then copy and paste the modified code.

That’s it! it will look like the Grab my badge with copy text area just like mine.

Tip: You can exhange badges with the bloggers that are listed on Blogger-Bookmark Links Exchange section.

If you enjoyed my blog post, then you can also grab my badge and follow me =)

For Wednesday: 10 Tips to Keep Housework from Ruling Your Life


A clean, well-maintained and organized house? Ha! These days, between family commitments and workplace obligations, parents are busier than ever. It’s hard enough to get home by 6 p.m., let alone sift through the day’s mail, get dinner rolling, and spend quality time with the ones we love.


How can we find time to get the essential tasks and chores done each week – and still have a life?


Relax. A parent with a plan can do just about anything. Like get the essential tasks done each week, and still have time to savor your weekends. Or enlisting a family of volunteers.


Part of the secret lies in breaking down big household jobs into smaller, more manageable tasks. The rest of the secret is enlisting everyone in the family to help get it all done. I’ve created time-tested, results-proven ways (in my small family test group, anyway) to get your kids involved while teaching them important life skills at the same time.


Ready to grab back the controls of your hectic home and family life?


I’ve created my website ( to share my tips on making a house a well-run home. I do hope you’ll find the strategies inside help you take back control of your home and your family life.


1. If it isn’t begging for attention, don’t clean it. If dirt and dust aren’t obvious, leave them for later.


2. Make the most of every minute. Find tasks that you can simultaneously.


3. Head off housework. Use a doormat to keep dirt outside; eat only in the kitchen or dining room.


4. Avoid interruptions. Let voicemail take the calls and ignore the text messages until you’ve finished the task at hand.


5. Set realistic standards. If you lack the time to buff your home thoroughly, adjust your expectations.


6. Call in the troops. A family that works together has more time to play together.


7. Keep household germs in check. Make time for bathroom and kitchen disinfecting, if nothing else.


8. Say adieu to allergens. Vacuum frequently and wash bed linens in hot water to remove dust mites.


9. Thin your houseplant collection. If you enjoy indoor greenery but spend too much time maintaining it, choose a few easy-care plants and weed out the rest.


10. Make your home safe. A clutter-free home helps prevent accidents from happening.


By Tara Aronson




About The Author


Tara Aronson is a mom of three, lifestyle expert, and author of “Mrs. Clean Jeans’ Housekeeping with Kids” (Rodale) and “Simplify Your Household” (Reader’s Digest Publishing). Tara most recently shared her tips for family laundering on “The Rachael Ray Show” (February 4, 2009). Tara’s website, offers tips and strategies for simplifying family life, including “Motivating Kids to – Gasp! – Clean” (