Red Table Talks: Jada, Willow, And Mom

In a new web series, which she hopes other families will participate in, Jada Pinkett Smith sat down with her daughter Willow and mother Adrienne Banfield Jones for a very emotional and open conversation about family, failing as a mother, Willow regretting fame and more (no topic was off limits).

Just in time for Mother’s Day, Jada hopes other families across the country will sit and have “talks” to build better relationships and stronger families.  Watch the conversation inside….


3 replies
  1. Nwasha
    Nwasha says:

    I LOVED it too! I too have sooooo much respect for the Smith family! I agree with what she said about this culture's expectation that a mother should "sacrifice" to prove she' a "good mom". You definitely have to compromise and balance giving up certain freedoms… but you must also take care of yourself first in order to have the peace, happiness, and energy to care for everyone else.
    <3 Happy Mothers' Day!!!

  2. diaryofasagittarius
    diaryofasagittarius says:

    I could not wait for you guys to post this article and video, I watched it last night and I have been copying and pasting it everywhere! I hope they make this into a new show because it is needed needed needed! The dialogue that opens up through this concept will free alot of families, black women and just daughters in general. This was the 1st episode and I hope it continues and someone picks it up. This reality tv frenzy we are in has set a bad standard for black women and I am ashamed of how we are being portrayed on tv and in movies. Its time to have these real raw conversations. I have so much respect for Jada and the entire Smith family. I don't care what society and the media says…she is the epitome of a strong black woman! Happy Mother's Day to all moms and I hope you all will chime in and share your thoughts about the video. 🙂
    My recent post Jada Pinkett-Smith, Mom Adrienne, Daughter Willow In “Red Table Talks”

    • Nwasha
      Nwasha says:

      The second part was beautiful too. We're picking this tradition up in my family thanks to this video! I hope the series continues!! <3

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