Am I Setting Myself Up To Be Cheated On By Asking My Man To Wait Til Marriage For Sex?

Video: I am a 21 year old female who all of a sudden got the idea to wait.  But every time i turn around people like to point out how impossible that is …..not for me but for the guy. They say even if he waits for me he will still get “it” somewhere else. I’m young and the people around me are young. I’m not really sure if i have some unrealistic expectation or what. I guess my question to you both would be is waiting until marriage unrealistic? Can a man stay completely faithful the whole time? My idea to wait is not set in stone so please give it to me straight.





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What Is On Your Relationship Checklist?

What should be on your relationship (or love) checklist?

Philosophers, clinicians, researchers, and theologians have all had their say about what love is and what love isn’t.

People are quick to throw all all sorts of terms and theories when they are feeling “warm and fuzzy” or need a rationale for why they did not do what they are supposed to do in their intimate relationships.

As a marriage, family, and sexuality therapist and educator, I’ve noticed that many of my clients either do not have a relationship/love checklist or if they have one, they allow their boundaries to become blurred when they begin to have amorous feelings.

Here are a few “relationship/love” tips you should consider before entering into your next romantic encounter:

1. Be happy with yourself and be ready to be in a relationship.

There are three essential components to being happy and ready to be in a relationship:

A. Identify what you need to be happy with yourself.
B. Identify what you may need to do to enable your partner to be happy.
C. Identify what your expectations are of being in a relationship.

Being “ready” to be in a relationship means that you are physically, emotionally, intimately, and spiritually open to sharing who you are with someone else.

Likewise, you also need to be receptive to who you partner is and where he/she is at across all four of those dimensions. Many people want to be in love or in a relationship but most people either aren’t ready, or ready to have a partner who is ready.

2. Never forget how special you are.

If your partner minimizes, negates or judges you as a person, or your actions, you may want to proceed with extreme caution…or not at all. Sometimes we fall in love with people at the expense of forgetting/neglecting who we are. Instead, it’s important to be with someone who doesn’t prevent us from remembering and honoring those traits that allow us to be the special individuals that we were put on this Earth to be.

3. Take your time.

Too often when couples begin relationships, they don’t take enough time getting to know one another across different contexts. People behave differently in front of their peers, their families, and their co-workers, and it is important to have an understanding of how they interact with the different people in their different circles.

Moreover, people behave differently over time. The way that a person treats his/her parents today may be significantly different from the way that he/she may have interacted with his/her parents growing up. One of your relationship tasks is to allow the relationship to move slowly enough to learn who you are really are giving your heart to.

Here are seven additional traits that you may want to add to your love/relationship checklist. Remember, it is important that you define what all of these mean to you personally.

CLICK HERE to read more.

Fellas..STOP These 8 Annoying Behaviors At The Club

Fellas if you’ve got any female friends you’ve probably heard them mention one if not all of the 8 annoying club behaviors on this list.  What’s funny is that even though you know it…you really could give a damn because there’s always some woman, inebriated or not, that will give you the time of day regardless of what you do.  But fellas…despite all of that, let this list (from ) serve as a reminder of what the majority of women can’t stand about your behavior at the club.

#1 The Shackle Grab
I don’t know when it ever became acceptable to grab a woman in public but the shackle grab is one of the worst things you can do. Wrapping your entire man paw around my delicate wrist is not going to persuade me to dance with you. In fact, now I’m disgusted. Make yourself scarce.

#2 Run Up and Get it
Sometimes women are just as much to blame as men are for this tacky tactic. If you’re bent over at a 90 degree angle, giving dudes the eye in between booty claps you’re pretty much asking for it. But that’s not me. So I don’t understand why you took my fully erect, two step to mean that I wanted you to slam your junk into my booty. Ugh…no! You sir get the swift stank face as I relocate.

#3 Crushing my toes
Now you don’t go to the club to dance alone, so there’s always one dude who will approach you with the right combination of charisma, politeness, and at least a sprinkle of cute. When you find that combo you’ll be inclined to dance with him. And while we won’t be inclined to totally dismiss you, stepping on my toes during a slow dance is a serious mood killer. I’m trying to be cute tonight and you stepping on my baby toe, making me limp across the dance floor is not cute.  Gots to be careful.

#4 Interrupting the “girl” circle

Girls Night Out is in no way a new concept; yet, without fail some dude will interrupt the girl circle by jumping in right as your song comes on. Maybe it has something to do with the extra sparkle that appears in your eye when the DJ starts spinning your jam. All that aside, now is not the time.

#5 Chafing Skin

The only thing worse than being grabbed by a man in the club is being grabbed by a man who seems to be shedding his skin. This problem is most prevalent in the wintertime. It’s always these men that want to rub up and down the entire length of your arm. Eeew. Could you not? I don’t want to take your dead skin cells home with me.

#6 Trying to get my life story

You opened your heart and decided to dance with dude for one song. Instead of letting you concentrate on your moves, this man wants to engage in full on conversation. Questions like “where are you from?” “do you live around here?” and “what do you do for a living?” are too much for the dance floor. If I’m feeling you after the dance then we can get into the first level personal information.

#7 Liquid Conversations

You know the club scene is loud, so you’ll have to lean and do the muffled scream all night. (Hence the reason why you shouldn’t be trying to get my life story.) The more talking the more likely you’re going to start spraying. The fact that you’re leaning in means your saliva will most likely land in a place I don’t want it, like my upper lip, which will immediately start burning. All conversations should be kept to a minimum until we can transition to a quieter area or I decide to bless you with my phone number.

#8 Not knowing when your time is up

Men are not good at reading body language. As visual as they are, sometimes…most times they just struggle with distinguishing the difference between “feelin’ you” and “fed up”. When your time is up baby, exit gracefully. Thanks.

Ladies are there any other No No’s that brothas need to know about?

How To Manifest A Soul Mate

by Arielle Ford I first became a believer in Feng Shui more than a dozen years ago when I moved into a new home in a new city. I had Feng Shui master come to my house to advise me on everything from which room to use as my office, to where to place the furniture, mirrors, plants, artwork, bells, chimes, etc.

Within months of moving into this home, and following his recommendations, I saw my career and finances skyrocket. Within two years, I met my soul mate. I don’t claim to understand how it works, but it’s worked for me (and most of my friends) and I believe there are some very useful “feng shui” things to do when preparing to manifest a soul mate.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science that has many branches and is practiced in a number of ways. It means Wind and Water. The basic essence of Feng Shui is to create positive flow of energy throughout your home. With the use of a “Bagua” (which is classically an octagon shape, and in some modern form schools of Feng Shui is presented as a map or grid that is similar to a tick tack tow board, each home or room is divided in eight main areas of “guas.” They include: Wisdom & Self Knowledge, Career, Helpful People & Travel, Children & Creativity, Fame & Reputation, Wealth & Prosperity, Health & Family, and of course love and marriage.

One of the main tenants of Feng Shui is related to eliminating clutter. By eliminating clutter we remove blocks to love and increase the flow of positive energy. Just as we focus on eliminating the clutter from our minds and hearts, we must also remove the physical clutter from our homes in order to manifest a soul mate.

I believe it’s important to create “space” in your home (and especially in your bedroom) by making and keeping some free space in the closet. It’s also helpful to keep the night stand on “their” side of the bed clear and empty so that when person arrives, he or she can fill it with their own personal items. Creating this type of space in your home sends a clear and specific message to the Universe that you are ready for someone to join your life and share your bedroom.

If you find that you are resistant to making room for your soul mate in your closets it may be a sign that you are not ready for your soul mate in your life. By creating physical space in your home (and your heart) you are putting out a “cosmic welcome mat.” So if you come across some resistance, use it as an opportunity to do deeper, more emotional work to overcome the blocks you may still have.

Arielle Ford knows that finding true love is possible for anyone at any age if you’re willing to prepare yourself, on all levels, to become a magnet for love. She met her soulmate at 44 and has been happily married for over 12 years. Visit her at

7 Reasons Why It Takes Some Black Men Forever To “Put A Ring On It”

By WisdomIsMisery

Before I begin this post, I need to dispel a few rumors. For one, there is no black women marriage crisis. That is a myth, mostly broadcast by news outlets looking to gain easy views, reads, and rehashed blog topics. However, black women do marry later – 75% will marry by age 35. Secondly, there is no interracial marriage crisis. According to two doctorates from Howard and Morehouse University, “Six percent of married black men who are high school dropouts have a white wife and 92% have black wives.  Among black men with college degrees, 10% have a white wife and 85% have black wives.” When eight of 10 black men will marry a black women, it doesn’t seem like much of an epidemic. Lastly, no list is all-inclusive.

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way.

Lack of appropriate role models.

This is not meant to disrespect single mothers. Honestly, having a bad father in the home is no better than having an absent father. No, this is about a lack of role models for young black men, regardless of their paternal relation or non-relation to the young man in particular. A number of black men don’t have enough appropriate role models to look up to, speak to, and/or imitate. They must figure out how to be men on their own, because they were never shown in practice what being a man entails when they were young and impressionable.

Result: Since a number of black men never observed the roles and responsibilities a man is supposed to play in a woman’s life as a husband/father – other than what they’ve seen on TV, movies, or heard in music – they marry later. Many black men have to figure out their place in a woman’s life through trial and error. Naturally, this ‘on the job training’ takes longer, and we are assuming they ever figure it out.

“The economy, stupid.” – James Carville

I’m not going to deliver a tirade about ‘The Man’ holding the black man down. I’m simply going to state a few universal facts. Fact: Unemployed people tend not to get married. Fact: In May 2012, the national unemploymentrate in the United States was 8.2 percent. For African American men it was 13.6 percent. For context, it was 13.6 percent in 2007, too.

Result: It’s hard to get married when you’re statistically and historically underemployed.

Black men don’t view black women as a team member.

Many men view women as another achievement once they’re successful. While we can unite as a people when we are called upon for a cause, on the day-to-day front black men and women have a very independent structure. To the best of my knowledge, we are the only culture that champions the ‘independent woman’ and ‘M.O.B.’ manifestos in song. I’m not saying this is good or bad. I am saying it wasn’t always this way. Many young black men and women view themselves as independent. In fact, to be seen as co-dependent is seen as a weakness not a strength. If we don’t see a need for each other, is it any wonder why we act like we don’t need each other?

Result: Many black men feel they need to be established before they can approach the woman they want or he won’t be “worthy” of her. Further, some women believe, as Kanye West so ingeniously put forth in song, “I aint sayin she a gold digger but she aint messin with no broke n….” Success takes time, especially when you’re determined to do it alone instead of as a team.

More black women are going to college than black men.

This one is twofold. First, there was a time in America where you could still make a decent income even without a college education. Presently, 60 percent of new jobs require a college degree – many employers require a degree for entry-level work simply because they can. In 2011, women of all races obtained college degrees faster than men. For African American women, this rate was almost 2 to 1. Secondly, a number of studies have shown college graduates, both men and women, prefer marrying college-educated partners.

Result: Unfortunately, in this case, perception is reality. Women have fewer college-educated men to “choose” from and men have fewer women willing to “settle” for them if they don’t attend college.

CLICK HERE to read more.

HELP!! I’m Caught In A Love Triangle

Are you dating two women or two men at the same time?  Do you feel like your biological clock is ticking and you’re stressing over which love interest to settle down with? Guess what…you are not alone.   A viewer wrote in saying that he’s in a relationship with 2 women. He likes each woman for different reasons but wants to settle down with one. Listen in as we help him work through his dilemma.

The 10 Commandments Of Online Dating

By Matt Fuller

The social element of online dating allows us to explore all walks of life – however before you start to hit on every appealing profile, give yourself the best chance of success by learning the 10 commandments of online dating. Dating online is a universal matchmaking tool that will unlock opportunities you thought never existed.

If you are tired of sleeping alone every night, or have just come out of a long relationship and are perhaps stuck for ideas on expanding your social network please read on…

1. Knowing who you are.

Figure out what it is you are searching for in a partner. If it’s just meeting new people in your spare time for casual relationships with minimal commitment, make this known in your profile – likewise if you seek something more permanent. Single people often join a dating site without even meeting anyone in person. Dating sites with chat rooms provide a means of company for people who are not ready for realism but seek fantasy.

2. Seek advice.

You probably know someone that has had experience with online dating. Seek advice from this person on what chat rooms and online dating sites are worth joining. It’s a pretty important decision to take the leap into the cyber land of romance and the best advice you can get is from someone you already know.

3. Take it slowly.

As with anything is life, taking your time to research your options will probably end up saving you time in the long run instead of rushing in and relying on trial and error. The whole idea of online datingis that it provides the opportunity to fully assess potential dates before a real life face to face date.

4. Just be honest – it works!

When you create an online dating profile or engage in an online chat, it provides a means for you to highlight your good points – which is a good thing. But after establishing online contact with someone for a period of time, many online singles neglect to paint the true and complete picture of themselves which can set the scene for a disappointing first date. If your profile picture was taken before you shaved your head – make it known before your first date.

5. Prioritize.

When you first join the dating site of your choice you will be a little shell shocked at the amount of profiles to choose from. Many online singles make the mistake of shooting off emails to multiple people. Try to be selective with whom you contact and make each introduction personalized to them based on their profile description.

6. Online dating – not for the gullible.

Snakes in the grass are common on the web. Take down information about people you chat to so you can verify their details at a later date. Check with others in the chat rooms to see if anyone can vouch for this persons character. Never take anything beyond the chat room if your gut feeling says otherwise.

7. Brush up on your chat room manners.

By entering a chat room session doesn’t mean you can start saying anything you like to anyone you like. Imagine that you are sitting at a public park, would you start mouthing off suggestive comments to every attractive person that passed you by – hopefully not! Consider this when in a chat room and start the conversation off in a very low key manner.

8. Big bang for your bucks!

Add up the cost if you were to go bar hopping or on singles holidays for 3 months. The cost would run into the thousands of dollars. By joining one of the popular online dating sites for 3 months you could expect to pay around $120.00 and get 24/7 live access to dozens of singles within a square kilometer of where you live. In recent times, ad funded free online dating sites have also emerged – need we say more? the decision to sign up to online dating sites starts with your wallet or purse.

9. Strike while the iron’s hot.

You need to stay in touch with your dating site and check your mail/inbox regularly. If you become too unavailable the person trying to contact you will move onto someone else. That’s the beauty of online dating, there’s so much choice – if one door closes another opens.

10. Safety first.

When you agree to meet someone in person, do so in a public place. Provide your own transport, and have a quick exit strategy in place in case your date isn’t the person you perceived them to be.

Matt Fuller writes about a number of topics that relate to social networking, dating sites in Australia and social media. Matt has been an online dating consultant for nearly a decade.

Guilty Of Falling In Love Too Fast? 7 Signs That Say Yes.

We never encourage anybody to dive headfirst into a relationship while throwing caution to the wind. That is a recipe for disaster.  Unfortunately when it comes to matters of the heart people confuse lust with love and dive….only to regrettably find themselves dismayed or broken hearted.  The below article from AolBlackVoices looks at 7 signs that say you’re moving WAAAYYYYY to fast.  Read them, take notes, and ultimately take care of your heart.

by Shirea L. Carroll

1. You’ve said “I know it’s been ___ days/weeks, but I feel like it’s been forever.”

Time does fly when you’re having fun, but real and deep love takes time to foster. Slow down!

2. You’ve moved the relationship to the next level and you haven’t introduced him/her to your family or friends.

Do you really expect to inform everyone about your ring and your man/lady at the same time?

3. When someone asks you to talk about them you begin with, “I think I have met my husband/wife.”

Chile, it’ll be ex-husband/wife if you don’t slow down.

4. Everyone is telling you that you are moving way too fast.

If your close friends or family — the people who know you best — think you’re rushing into things, they just may be on to something. Listen to the people you trust the most, they have your best interest in mind.

5. You fell in love over a vacation.

Although the time spent was unforgettable, it is usually short lived. We all know what happened to Terry McMillan…

6. You don’t know his/her middle name, but you’ve already talked about moving in together.

If you don’t know the basic facts about the person, they what makes you think you’re ready to join your worlds? You could be looking for apartments and be completely unaware of the fact that she uses five different aliases in three other states.

7. You talk to each other and start every convo with, “I never felt this way about anyone.”

BLAM Fam..have you ever found yourself moving too fast in your relationships?  Do any of these signs look familiar?

Shirea L. Carroll, is a published journalist who has written for Essence, VIBE, Washington Post’s, XXL’s Juicy, and AOL. Reporting on everything from music and entertainment to celebrity and love, she’s interviewed some of today’s biggest celebrity names. Find the NJ native on her blog Invite Only, or follow her on Twitter @InviteOnly to find out “who is and isn’t invited.”

No Longer Broken: Ready For Love

By Divine Merritt

Little boys will mishandled and break a perfectly good toy (woman), grow tired, bored and leave it (her) laying there in pieces to go find another shiny new toy (woman) and play with it until it (she) is also broken. Emotionally broken women will start a new relationship with this spirit of brokenness unaware that because of the past hurts this relationship is doomed before it has begun. The relationship doesn’t have a fighting chance. It’s a vicious cycle.

It would be fantastic if instead these brothers would evolve and grow into men who learn to fix things that are broken before going on to the next one. Ideally, they’d just learn how not to break things to begin with.

Women play a major part in this atrocity as well. Many times a broken woman will jump right into another relationship for fear of being alone. After a devastating break-up we must allow our broken hearts time to heal, lick our wounds and fully recover before loving again. Why put a band-aid over a sore without cleaning it first? Putting a patch over the dirty wound not only blocks the sun from shining on it, it blocks fresh air from reviving it and it festers under the shadow of the bandage preventing proper healing – complete healing. The bandage smothers the wound, causing it to scab.

Women have to learn to love themselves past hurt and heal properly avoiding bitterness and repeated relationship mistakes caused by baggage and hearts damaged with scabs.

After a tumultuous relationship we must keep in mind that we are valuable – worthy of love and capable, willing to receive it. We must love ourselves enough to make time for us. Get our minds right. Restore joy. Let our hearts heal before allowing another man in.

The recovery may at first seem daunting. We feel as though this is the last heartache that our shriveled little hearts can bear. The end of this relationship means the end of the world as we know it. How will we go on? Who will want to settle for a broken toy?

You can love and be loved again. You have been made whole…God created you a complete being capable of bearing heartache, healing and loving completely. A loving relationship enhances your wholeness like a fabulous bobble compliments a beautiful dress.

What should I do after my heart has been broken?

Expressly take time to appreciate you. Love on yourself. Recognize your God-given talents and abilities, use them to help others; which will also become a source of joy and fulfillment. Concentrate on loving on you like you did loving him. You deserve it! Make quiet time for yourself. Meditate and rehearse affirmations to your spirit daily. Frequent your prayer closet. Dance to your favorite music. Make a list of things you’ve always wanted to accomplish, take them one at a time. Take yourself on dates. Finally, take self-inventory. Could improvements be made on your relationship behaviors? Do you lose yourself when in love? Do you rush in without taking the time to evaluate if this is even the kind of relationship you desire?

Realize that proper recuperation after any trauma allows one time to regain strength, to build fortitude and prepare for the next assignment. If we begin to bring ourselves to relationships with the awareness that we are already whole, we’ll experience a turn around in the breakdown of loving relationships our community as a whole suffers from. There will be less broken women walking around with missing pieces.

Divine Merritt, amateur writer/blogger from Detroit, MI

Are Black Men FOR Monogamy?

VIDEO: We are all familiar with the stereotype that “all black men are dogs”. At the urging of a viewer we explore that notion and reveal that while some men may act a particular way…it certainly does not mean ALL men do. This black man wrote in and asked “How do we explain to black women that most black men are all for monogamous relationships?

We believe that there are a number of things that come into play when examining the perceptions that are out here around black men. However, with that being said the best way black men can continue to combat negative perceptions & stereotypes is through how they live their lives on a day to day basis. It’s how you carry yourself. It’s the kind of example you intentionally set for other young brothas. Actions always destroy words cause’ talk is cheap. It’ how you walk that will ultimately speak for you. Keep stepping strong black men. Keep stepping!







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