Is Being “Mr. Nice Guy” Getting In The Way Of Your Love Life?

By Joseph Matthews

My friends, a question for you…


You have heard the term “Nice guys finish last”, correct?


Well, I’m here to tell you that saying is 100% true! But not for the reasons you may think.


Being a “Nice Guy” with women doesn’t work, not because you get too caught up in what a girl wants and get stuck as a friend, but because Nice Guys are typically very, very…




That’s right. When you’re a “Nice Guy,” you’re not really being nice, you’re being EMOTIONALLY GREEDY.


Let me explain…


An enormous problem for a lot of guys, one that will almost always lead to difficulty with women, is the “Nice Guy factor”.


Countless men rely on others to determine their self worth, due to having a weak identity and very little self esteem.


These guys are at the mercy of everyone else in their lives, so they try their best to please the people around them, hoping they’ll continue to think highly of them, so they can feel good about themselves. That’s not so bad, right? It feels good when others approve of you, doesn’t it?


Most people look at this behavior and would instantly categorize these poor men in the “Nice Guys” column. After all, they’re the ones who don’t like conflict. They’re the ones who don’t want to make waves. They’re the ones who want everyone to be happy.


They are also some of the most selfish people on the planet.


Seriously. I know this because I used to be one of these people, and I know all their dirty little secrets! And the point of this newsletter is to make everyone who thinks of themselves as “nice” or as a “victim” really, really irritated!!!


All of you “Nice Guys” out there reading this are nothing more than “people pleasers.” Somewhere in your life, you found out that pleasing people is a way to get other people to like you and admire you so you can feel good about yourself.


The source of this could be anyone – your parents, your friends, a relative. But somewhere, you learned to feel good about yourself based on what others think of you.


But I’m here to tell you that using other people’s feelings and goodwill like that is not only harmful, but dishonest!


There are people who “can’t stand conflict” or believe that if you “can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”, or live by some similar slogan. They live in an ideal world. It’s just not this one.


I’m sure on that planet, they get all the moral support they need from anyone.


But that’s the crux of the issue right there. All you “Nice Guys” have a losing mentality about your need for support. Your methodology is: “I am so loving and giving and nice, I expect you to treat me the exact same way as I treat you!”


Here is the typical thought process of Nice Guys:


–“Don’t disagree with me! It’s not fair because I do so much for you!!!”


–“Please be sympathetic and comfort me when I’m upset! I’m needy and can’t comfort myself.”


–“Always be in a good mood. I am always trying to make you happy and if I can’t, I feel ashamed and mad at you!”


–“Pay attention to me!! Whenever I need it, I’ve definitely earned it!!”


–“Take care of me!!! Do the things I can’t do for myself due to fear! I do them for you, so please return the favor!!”


Take a look at all that. Now ask yourself how you’d react if someone was saying those things to you. You’ll understand then, where women are coming from when it comes to dating “Nice Guys”.


Once that happens and the needy demands of “Nice Guys” go unmet, they fall into the deep pits of self-pity and depression. They also feel a lot of shame and anger at their failure to please the women they want, and though these “Nice Guys” can keep their pleasant demeanor up for a long time, their resentment of the women they want to please will grow and grow until it explodes in anger and rage, either directed at others, themselves, or both.


This kind of mentality can extremely damage your self respect and cause others to not want to be around you.


So what’s a “Nice Guy” to do?


If you want to have success with women, you need to stop being agreeable and instead be straightforward and honest, especially when you have to go against the wishes of others and disappoint them. You can do this with kindness and sensitivity, but you MUST do this nonetheless.


Only by being honest, with yourself and with others, will you be able to overcome the selfish “nice guy” habits you have adopted in your life.


And when you do this, you will stop caring about what other people think of you because the source of your validation comes from the fact that you’re being true to yourself and straightforward with others, and you will cease to harbor resentment and anger, and have more self respect and less depression.


That is the only way I have found to truly stop being a “Nice Guy” and become the type of man other people can respect.


Being honest with others in this manner might seem difficult, but it’s more rewarding than any other behavior you can adopt.


Get Joseph Matthew’s free How To Meet Women newsletter and skyrocket your success with women right now: Nowhere else will you find better, more powerful techniques on meeting women that are sure to work for any man. Go here now


Am I Delusional For Thinking About Building A Family With Someone I’m Not EVEN In A Relationship With?

VIDEO: Dear MA’AT’s  I’m 20 years old in college and I met this girl about a year ago.  We became friends and became very close but right now, she told me she’s not looking for a relationship due to the fact she broke up with her ex-boyfriend of two years over a year ago. She said she wants to focus on grad school. She’s 24 and I’m 20. We both said we loved each other and Sometimes when I think about her I always think about her being my wife and having a family with her one day when I’m finish college.

Is it normal for a 20 year old to be thinking about a long term commitment such as marriage? At my age should I be spreading my wild oats or does it make me look like a mature man to think of a woman as being my future wife?
How do I continue building this incredible connection that me and her have so that we can get to the point of marriage?

I’m Afraid To Commit Because Of The Distance

Video/Question From Viewer

Hello Ma’ats,
Firstly, thank you for all the work you do. You guys are great, your advice is mature and balanced. And this is why I am coming for you to get advice on a certain issue.
I am 21 years old and the person I am in love with is 22.
Here is a bit of the background. We went to the same primary school so we have known about each other since we were about 6 years old. When I was 11, I moved to England and been living there for the past 10 years, he stayed in Uganda.
We got back in touch almost a year ago and recently we have shared so many of our experiences, had a lot of discussions and the past week we have been talking for hours every day. Now he tells me he has feelings for me. Truth be told, I have fallen for him too, he seems to have the right personality, makes me laugh and is very understanding. It has got to the point where he wants to pursue a relationship with me.

Now here is my issue, he is too far. I didn’t grow up with my father and so the ‘absence’ of my boyfriend would mean I am not learning from my past. There is too much uncertainty with long distance relationships.
He has tried to convince me to ‘give it a chance’ and truth be told, if he was in England with me, I would have said yes a long time ago. I have been through too much in my young life for the same thing to come up in my adult life. By ‘same thing’ I mean the absence of a male figure, in this context, it would be my boyfriend. Speaking on the phone for me is not enough, it’s not like he has travelled somewhere and he is coming back that’s different, the reality of it is that we are miles and miles away.

He mentioned he would try and visit. I cannot have that much uncertainty around me. For me I want to protect myself from as much hurt as possible in my adult life; our past is there to teach us a lesson. It is definitely better for him as well because who is to say he will not meet a beautiful, loving, compatible Ugandan woman whilst I am busy studying/working back in the UK. After all, it isn’t guaranteed that I may not meet another man who will sweep me off my feet too. The negatives in this context outweigh the positives. I would not want to take him away from the country he has grown to love. Home is Home after all. He says he can adapt to any situation, he may like it in England for a bit, but after sometime he would get fed up of it because you have been brought up in a different culture. Also, career opportunity wise, there is a better chance of him doing exactly what you want to do when he is in Uganda than if he moves elsewhere, UK, in this context. I neither see myself working nor living in Uganda for the rest of my life. And so perhaps love just isn’t enough?

And this is going to sound very unfair and selfish, but I do not know what he could ‘become’, he is not financially well off at the moment though he claims he is ambitious, which I trust as he is still at university. But what if he never makes it? I don’t want to marry a poor guy. It’s very shallow I know, but again I am trying to protect myself from things that have happened to me in the past. I am working very hard, I go to a great university, I have searched for opportunities and I am heading for a great career, but I would hate to be the one who supports him…

Maybe it all happened too quickly too soon. I think he has fallen for the ‘idea’ of me, rather than the reality of who I am. Who is to say it’s not lust? Who is to say it’s not a simple crush? I have a lot of issues that I am still dealing with in my life. I am still strengthening my relationship with God, I am still working on my education, career, I am still working on myself physically, emotionally and mentally and still dealing with my past. I am not ready to bring someone into my life right now. Then I got so frightened when he mentioned the whole marriage thing, I mean; I am completely not ready at all. Choosing a marriage partner is a tricky business.  It’s crucial to know someone properly for at least 1-2 years before you even admit anything. So he did freak me out a little when you mentioned the whole proposal thing. I really like him, I don’t know whether it’s love or not coz I have never been in love, but I think about him all the time, I get all excited when I receive messages from him, his voice is like music to my ears, he makes me laugh, I just love talking to him so much, I’ve opened up with him, he is the first guy with whom I have felt 100% comfortable. I feel special when I speak to him. I am also going to see him in 10 weeks as I’m making a family visit back to Uganda in the summer.

He still young, I am still young, and we do not know about these things well enough to jump into them. I know we have joked, we have laughed, yes and I enjoy that, but the reality of it just doesn’t seem realistic. Maybe it is the chase that gets him and I both excited, but once you reach it, then what? I told him he deserves someone who is going to be there with him.
All my thoughts are always mixed up, taking me time to make up my mind about life’s issues. I would rather not into the whole thing now than going into it now then have to break his heart later on because I hadn’t dealt with myself before I let someone else in. It is also not guaranteed on your side that you would always want me. Life is very unpredictable, people change, circumstances change, situations change. We are still very young, still a lot of growing up to do for ourselves so we do not know what we want fully. I think he deserves someone better; I don’t think I can give him what he need.

So to sum up, for me the issues are: long distance, him not making it financially in life, me not having dealt with my issues well enough and generally being afraid of what this means.  I would love to hear your thoughts and any advice you can offer on this.
Thank you very much Ma’ats!





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VIDEO RECAP: The Black Love Bond “Dating In DC” Event Was So Much Fun!

By Aiyana Ma’at

Recently, Ayize and I were asked to participate in a Dating & Relationships panel that explored the dynamics of dating here in our hometown–the DMV. The event was hosted and put on by our new friend Krystal Glass of  We were joined on the panel by author, journalist, and pop culture critic Helena Andrews, writer/crimefighter and co-founder of Panama Jackson, founder of Nee Cee Simmons, and Host of “The Luv Lounge” Radio Show Jamal Muhammad.

It was so well put together and fun, fun, fun! Krystal is a woman on a mission to provide a platform for much needed conversations in our community. She considers herself a community servant and it really comes through! If you’re in the DC Metropolitan area—check her out and come out to support one of her many interesting and dynamic events. Follow Krystal on Twitter @Krystal_Glass. Here’ a peek at what the event was like. Can we say intellectually stimulating?!

My Man Wants To Marry Me…But I’m Concerned Because He’s Not Self Sufficient

VIDEO: I’m so glad I came across your channel on you tube.  You guys are great. Here is my situation. My bf and I have been dating for close to three years.  He is 35 and I am 34 and we do not have kids. We are both college grads. I want to be engaged this year. I gave him an ultimatium-if we do not get engaged this year we are over.  He has agreed, but  his mother is a real issue. See, my bf still lives at home with his mother. Bascially she has manipulated him to a T. She pays his car issurance, cooks his breakfast, washes his clothes etc. I have been the one to lift the veil off and he has come to his senses recently-and realizes he needs to man up and do for himself-each time he does his mother puts a guilt trip on him. He recently informed me he wants to move out and move in with me. Now, I have reservations about that. I want to be engaged before we live together? PS Should I embrace his way of growing and becoming his own man or should I bail?

PS Background we met when we were in the fourth grade. I transferred out of the school a year later and never saw him again, until 22 years later on a busy street in Manhattan. I feel we are kindred, but I don’t get why our relationship is so slow to get to the next level. He says he’s saving for a ring, but most of the time his money goes to Mommy dearest. Also, my parents feel that I am wasting my time and I can be dating and perhaps meet someone else who is ready. They feel as though my clock is ticking away!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.





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My Past Keeps Popping Up In My Present Relationship

Viewer Letter: I saw your videos and find them very informational and helping to those like myself who are hurting. I have a question? I am a giver of myself to all and anyone who shows me the slightest interest of what I perceive is love/ attention. I hate myself and don’t believe I will ever love myself  until I first fix what is wrong with me. My outer beauty will never match my inside but I am willing to go great lengths to change or sadly stay depressed and be used. I started a journal and have some alone time and it is helpful but it is not enough what should I do. I am in a relationship where my past is the problem, who I was with and the things I have done really matter to this one. I am sick of hearing about it because hello I went through it let alone have some man bring it up to but in my face.  I have other issues but my biggest problem is that even if I let this one go I will eventually end up with another. What should I do?





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Stop Focusing On Sex. Start Focusing On Yourself.

VIDEO: A lot of times when we focus on something obsessively the issue is rarely the thing that we focus on but rather an underlying longing. In this video we speak to a man that thinks women are not attracted to him because he’s ugly. He’s tired of being rejected and feeling like the dirt underneath women’s feet.

It is sooooooooooooooo important to understand that any time someone is experiencing a feeling chronically (chronic=continuing over a long time and happening frequently) IT IS ALMOST ALWAYS A MAJOR INDICATOR THAT THE PROBLEM LIES WITHIN meaning it’s our own perception and consciousness that is tripping us up not the world around us. Our desire is for this advice to inspire this young man and so many others to look within for the answers instead of continually outside of himself. We encourage you to start the process by purchasing our SPEAK LOVE RIGHT PACKAGE.  The first exercise in the workbook is all about taking self inventory and asking the question, “Who Am I?”

At the end of the day, no matter how our issues manifest….no matter what they look like… matter how complex our situations are: Self-Acceptance & Self-Love are always the answer. Radical love of self is always the bottom line.





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I’ve Got Issues With The Fact That My Man Doesn’t Think The Way I Do

Question: My boyfriend and I are quite green in our relationship. We’ve been together for almost two months. So we are still getting to know quite a bit about each other. I am so happy being with him he makes me laugh and keeps me smiling…:-( We both are waiting until marriage, this is his first REAL serious relationship and this is my second. ( I was engaged for two years and dated that person two years prior to engagement.) So alot is new to him..and me too… I have problems communicating those things at times because I don’t want to make him feel weird or bad about my needs…..But I’m working on it…Unfortunately I only see him on the weekends   but when I do see him we try to communicate as much as possible….I have this thing, when we go out of town on trips, I initiate the question game in which we can ask each other any question and who ever get’s the question must answer it. So one question I asked him was, “What’s your biggest Fear”…He replied in saying that he wouldn’t call it a fear, just a serious concern…  He said that he wants to be married and have kids. But right now without all of that and if he never had those things,he is happy by himself… He doesn’t have to be in crowds of people and he likes his space… He’s not a touchy touchy like person… That’s makes me concerned… I am the opposite… I like to hug, I like to be around people SOMETIMES… But my concern is, is his “being happy by himself” a good/healthy thing or bad thing if we are both dating each other for a lifetime partner… Ifeel like right now because he is happy by himself we don’t spend as much time together because he is used to being single and is holding on to that single mode still…. Help me out family…Am I overeacting?





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Join Us Tonight At The Black Love Bond: Dating In DC Panel Discussion

Hey Blam Fam,

We’re really excited about the opportunity to be panelist discussing relationship dynamics with other astute minds at the Black Love Bond event tonight at 7pm EST. We will be sharing the spotlight with Helena Andrews (author of “Bitch Is The New Black”), Neecee Simmons (founder of Wifey N Training), Panama Jackson (co-founder of, and Jamal Muhammad (Host and Creator of The Love Lounge Radio Show).  We’re gonna have a good time yall and we hope to see you there.  SINGLES AND COUPLES ARE WELCOME.  CLICK HERE for more details.


I Just Found Out My Man Is HIV Positive And A Pedophile

VIDEO: Hello, I have me a nice young man and from the beginning we clicked.  He brought up sex and I said no sex before marriage because I’ve been there and done that.  I have a beautiful 18yrd old daughter that means the world to me. ..anyway so his reply was okay lets get married and we will get to know each other better afterwards.  To be honest it had me thinking should i or shouldnt I? After that I ran across a conversation between him and two of his family members and they were all in a heated argument and the two family members stated that he is HIV/AIDS POSITIVE AND ALSO A PEDOPHILE.  I was stunned by what i was reading.  He does stay sick a lot and he doesn’t look too healthy, but he’s a really nice guy.  My question is I dont how to bring it up to ask him and I definitely need to pump the brakes from him meeting my daughter or coming to my home before i know the TRUTH.  PLEASE HELP WHAT TO DO? And to add to everything he’s taking on to my daughter way too fast. I’ve only let them speak on the phone..and one day he offered to pick her up from college without me present. I said oh no if i let you pick her up it will be with me.  He didnt have a problem with it but it was just strange to me that he even asked. I need some answers i dont want to drag it out any longer and hurt his feelings.





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