Do You Ever Get Tired Of Your Boo Wearing The Same Thing?

We didn’t even intend to do this video….it just kind of happened when we sat down to record.  In our process of preparing to record I noticed something that is beginning to look way too familiar.  That something I noticed was Aiyana’s hat.  Check out this video and see how I bring it to her attention in a loving way that I’m getting tired of her wearing that damn hat.  lol Enjoy.

Is there something that your spouse wears that you’re getting tired of seeing?

Drop us a line and let us know what it is.

Following Through May Seem Small But It Really Is Big

Any great jump shooter knows that you significantly increase the chances of the ball going through the hoop when you follow through.  It’s like you’ve begun a process when you start to shoot and you complete the process when you follow through.  That doesn’t mean that the ball will go in every time…but what it does mean is that the likelihood for success is greater.  The same principles apply to your relationship.  Whenever your spouse request something from you and you commit to doing it….you best try your hardest to follow through on that commitment.    Following through is where trust is built….it’s where interdependence is built….and it’s how solid relationship foundations are established.  It’s the fabric of relationship success.

Check out the video when you get a sec and answer this question:

Is there somewhere in your relationship where you’ve failed to follow through?

Today is your day to honor your commitment….as always…Stop Playing and Start Pushing.

Tyler Perry’s “Temptation” In Review – You Don’t Have To Be Unhappy To Cheat

Warning!!!! You can be in a relatively healthy and happy marriage and still experience infidelity.  Yup…it’s true.  Not only do bad things happen to good people…but bad circumstances occasionally fall upon “sure” relationships. Tyler Perry’s movie Temptation showed aspects of how infidelity may develop and wreak havoc on a seemingly good marriage.  Here are a few words from the wise..internalize and apply them and you’ll be on the right track to strengthening, securing, and protecting your marriage from the internal and external chaos that will inevitably come.

1. Communicate your unmet needs.

2. Meet or assist your spouse with meeting their unmet needs.

3.  Don’t take your spouse for granted.

3. Know that anybody is capable of anything. (good or bad)

4.  Pay attention to the details.  Your spouse wants to know that you know them.

Stop Playing. Start Pushing.


GIVE HER WHAT SHE WANTS to get MORE OF WHAT YOU WANT – 3 Simple Steps To Get Closer To Your Queen

Video: “I can’t stand my wife!”   “She gets on my god damn nerves”.  “She’s always in my ear but don’t never wanna lay on her back”    “You ain’t married to me you’re married to our kids”.  “Tonight your mouth should be used for one purpose only and it ain’t to talk”.  “You seem happier with your girlfriends than you do with me”.  “What happened to the way we used to be?”

I have heard all of the aforementioned quotes at one point or another while working with men in their relationships.  Truth be told, a couple of these I’ve actually thought or said myself.  So I understand the frustration that comes with growing and getting to know your spouse on a deep level.  Trust and believe, Aiyana and I have a real relationship that has blossomed to become something very beautiful….but it’s been a process.  It’s because of that process and the fruits of our labor that am truly thankful for the connection my Queen and I have.

I wouldn’t take any of it back.  Along our journey I had to learn some real lessons.  I had to learn some real lessons about life and about love.  In this video I will be sharing with you 3 simple steps you can take to get closer to your Queen.  I want to help you reduce or completely eliminate your frustration with your relationship and GET YOU MORE OF WHAT YOU WANT from your woman….AND I KNOW THESE 3 TIPS WILL HELP.

CLICK HERE to schedule a RELATIONSHIP COACHING session with Ayize, Aiyana, or both of us together.

CLICK HERE to get our SPEAK LOVE RIGHT: Real Questions. Real Answers. Real Talk on Communication (Audio Program)


Should I Allow My Unemployed Man To Move In With Me Before We Get Married?

VIDEO:  Hi! I need some perspective from a loving married Black couple. I watch your advice videos and love the messages you put out there and the positivity. My question is , I’m newly engaged as of last month 🙂 and my fiance lost his job the same week. This is the 2nd time since I’ve known him he’s lost his job due to the recesion. (lay offs) He was out of work for a few months and found a job and now got laid off from this new job. His savings is almost run out and he said he may need to stay with me if he can’t get a job soon. (He has said he has no debt (just the cost of my engagement ring) has always paid his rent and ongoing monthly bills timely to date) To give a little backstory-We met last summer 2010 and started as friends first. By Spring2011 our friendship developed into a full blown relationship with marriage potential. We are equally yoked in our faith, values and overall goals of family etc. I’m 33 and he’s 44.  He’s  a godly man, my friend and love, quiet  & simple guy.  I’ve never married & quite old fashioned and he’s divorced no kids (the ex cheated on him) My concern is seeing how we just got engaged and planned on marrying end of the year (Dec) in a small family only ceremony (elopement). All this change is overwhelming to begin with (singledom to marriage) but also, I’m really concerned about entering marriage if I’m the sole provider. We have had discussions of our perceptions of what a mans role and a woman’s role is. He has said, he is to provide and share with the house hold with the wife. I talked with my fiancee and expressed to him , to me,  it’s important he have a job before we enter marriage. We agree our household will be dual income . His response was , “if we were already married would you kick me out? I said of course not, I’d hold things down until you found work. “To him he doesn’t see the difference. However to me it’s different. Like going to the Olympics. You want to train and be at your optimium potential/performance level to play the game. Am I wrong for thinking this way? I’m a practical person and Love him too but don’t want to be a fool. He did express of course he would never mooch off me and contribute in other ways, like groceries, cleaning, cooking etc. ( He has demonstrated this- I’ve seen it)  Also , he just started with very small investing that’s another way to potentially make income. (That’s his plan B) My parents don’t know about his job situation but are very observant. They are always mentioning to me and expressing their concern about me marrying my fiancee” can he provide, can he provide for you. You’ve always held it down for the family, but you should be taken care of and provided for”. I’m feeling so overwhelmed. 🙁  I know marriage is a huge step and nothing changes. I wouldn’t change anything about my fiancee, I know what I see is what I get. I know we’ll have tough times. I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with carrying the majority of the load ENTERING marriage under stress. I don’t want to do something I’ll regret or have resentment toward my fiancee. It’s not my position to cohabitate before marrying either but I don’t want to see him out on the street if he can’t get a job by end of the month.  So potentially I’d be sacrificing my stance for the sake of love. I’m concerned I’ll become resentful. The other side of me thinks, times are tough, the recession is taking it’s toll, perhaps this is all a test of our love? Maybe I need to change how I think/my perspective? What do you think? Is it too much to ask my fiancee to secure a job before marrying? (we can always reset the date) He’s actively looking and going on interviews, but what if he doesn’t land a job? Potentially worst case scenerio he could be living with me cohabitating and I’d be providing for us both in the next month. Please help. Any advice input is greatly appreciated. Thank you !





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I Gave Some To My Husband Last Night

Have you ever wanted to have sex with your boo….but just didn’t feel like it?  Aside from the awkward and uncomfortable positions…”doing it” is a process.  Even when you want “it”, it’s easy to miss out on “it” because you don’t want to get caught up in the work of “getting it”. Ladies last night I rose above my tiredness and blessed my husband.  I too was definitely blessed in the process.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….sometimes you’ve gotta do “it” even when you don’t feel like it or don’t want to. Check out the video and let me know what you think.

Is My “Friend” Keeping Secrets From Me Because He Wants To Sleep With Me?

VIDEO: Some of our friends have been and will be lifelong. Which is cool…..However….having “friends” when you are in a relationship can be a slippery slope if you are not CAREFUL. We recognize that one of the driving forces of “our” existence is the desire for emotional intimacy ….unfortunately some folks confuse and misinterpret the intimacy in a friendship for something more. This becomes all the more problematic when you are in a “friendship” where you’ve failed to establish clear boundaries. At the same time there are those who would rather keep the boundaries fuzzy simply because they’d like to keep the option of getting warm and fuzzy with you wide open.

Here, we advise a young lady who says that she recently terminated her friendship with a guy friend because she doesn’t want to get in the way of his relationship with his girlfriend. She’s discovered that he’s kept a secret from her (a BIG one too…he has a baby!) and this has made her question the quality of their so-called friendship. “Did I do the right thing?” she asks. Our answer….Yes and No. Listen in to hear us talk this thing through.

Take Off Your Superman or Superwoman Cape

To some degree we all walk around with a mask on.  We hide behind the illusion of “being o.k.” or “being all good”.  We don’t want to be vulnerable…we don’t want to take a risk.  We live life in a posture of self protection for the purpose of mental, physical, and emotional self preservation.  It’s just a part of being human.  It’s normal.  It becomes abnormal when self protection and preservation becomes your only way of being.  It’s a problem when you ONLY know how to be superman or superwoman.  It’s a problem when you refuse to be vulnerable and take a risk.  In this video I encourage you to let your guard down and take off your cape.  In doing so you’ll realize that you’re o.k. just as you are.

Are You Still Friends With Your Spouse?

VIDEO: Is your spouse your friend? If so…when was the last time yall had a conversation like friends? Friendship should be the foundation of your relationship. Friendship is what sustains and supports your love. If that type of connection is loss in your communication please B Intentional about getting it back. Your friendship will GET YOU THROUGH when you feel like your relationship is almost through.


*Republished due to several questions we’ve received lately that require this answer! 😉

Is It Ok For A Married Man To Watch Porn?

VIDEO: What if a husband wants to watch porno or go to the strip club? How do you feel about that? Is it ok for a married man to satisfy his sexual appetite with these pleasures?Some say “whatever floats your boat”. Others say “not a chance in hell”. His View. Her View….What’s Your View?