My Husband Masturbates After We Have Sex!

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Today’s show is of a sexually explicit nature. You’ve been warned! πŸ™‚

Are there some things that your spouse does while in the bedroom that you simply can’t stand? Are there any sexual fantasies or fetishes that your spouse has that make you feel inadequate? Well, today we want to challenge you to think about your feelings if you find yourself in this category. What we’re suggesting today is that this wife does not feel unsure of her ability to sexually satisfy her mate because of his masturbation….it is how she (and many of us today)perceive the act of masturbation.

If you take nothing else from today’s show please meditate and marinate on this: Masturbation is a normal and healthy act. Productive orgasms literally can add years to a person’s life. So, let’s take the “taboo” away from the subject of masturbation and respect and enjoy it for what it is!

Listen in to this video as we attempt to shed some light on the touchy topic of masturbation and help this wife who says her husband masturbates….even after they have sex.

Women Today Ain’t Like The Women Of Yesterday…

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VIDEO: by Ayize Ma’at After coaching hundreds of couples I have decided to do a video addressing a common critique from black men about black women. How many times have you heard this: “Black Women today ain’t like the Black Women of yesterday.” Well, in this show I touch on this in an attempt to elevate our understanding and edify black relationships.

What A Man Wants From His Woman

VIDEO: A viewer wrote in saying that she and her husband argue about everything and she is at her wits end. Her fundamental question is….What do men want? Listen in as we help this wife get a better understanding of her husband and what he wants. For another perspective and some different tips check out this post we did titled: “What The Other Woman Will Do That You Won’t.”

You Aint Gettin None…. Cause You Don’t Get Her: Win Back Your Wife

VIDEO: We get a lot of questions in from folks inquiring about how to restore the connection in their relationship. In this video we address a man that says his relationship is suffering because their sex is on life support. Listen in and hear 3 quick tips we give him to help put his love life back in order.

It Takes Work To Stay In Tune With The One You Love: The Ma’at’s Share A Recent Tiff

VIDEO: In this show Ayize and Aiyana share a recent happening in their relationship that caused some tension. Aiyana was upset with Ayize and Ayize “acted” oblivious which made Aiyana even more mad. Listen in to hear what happened and how they managed to work through it.

We share this because it’s all too easy to become preoccupied and attached to how you as an individual perceives and sees things. It takes intentional patience and effort to get and stay in tune with how your spouse feels. It may take time and energy but it is well worth it if you want to have the type of relationship that will stand up against the test of time and the many issues…petty and significant that will surely come your way.

B Intentional Family, Do you take intentional time and energy trying to get in tune with your partner and see things from where they stand?

Should I Date A Man That Lives With His Parents?

VIDEO: We’ve received alot of questions from women asking whether or not they should move forward in a relationship with a man who lives at home or who is not completely….self sufficient. So, we decided to release this episode again to offer some clarity to folks who are fuzzy on the “dude who lives at home” dilemma.

You don’t have to listen long or hard these days to hear whispers and occasional shouts about the overwhelming number of black women who are single. This social phenomenon is unfortunate because Black women are beautiful, exude brilliance, and definitely deserve the best. So, if they deserve the best….what does the best look like? A viewer wrote in and asked us if it’s okay to date a man that lives at home with his parents due to these economic hard times. Listen in to hear what we think and let us know what you think.

Are Facebook,Twitter, & iPhone Blocking Your Romance?

VIDEO: Are you tired of chasing your man just to convince him to talk to you? Are you tired of competing with facebook, the i phone, blackberry, etc just to get some romance? Do you feel like your man is disengaged when you are speaking to him on significant issues? Listen in as we answer the question of a viewer who says she is tired of competing with electronics and the internet for attention. This show helps you to understand the way to get your spouse to focus less on their gadgets and more on you.

I’m Tired Of My Wife Asking Me To Have Sex With Her

VIDEO: In this show Ayize puts on the table some items of note that he’s recognized from teaching marriage education classes and coaching couples with his wife Aiyana Ma’at. Believe it or not…black men WANT to be vulnerable in their relationships. Black men WANT to be transparent.

Additionally, Ayize talks about why it’s so important to have people that support your marriage in your immediate circle. Lastly, Ayize answers the question from a young man that is being pressured by his wife to have sex with her. Surprisingly he doesn’t want to have sex with his wife. He says he didn’t marry her for sex. Listen in and hear how Ayize addresses this.

Happy Thankgiving From Our Family To Yours!

VIDEO: Take time everyday to give thanks for the large and small things in your life. The spirit of gratitude will go a LONG way. Family is often what people think of when they reflect on what they are thankful for on Thanksgiving. And, family may be a big family of 6 like ours, a family of 2 or maybe just you and the wonderful friends you have in your life. Here, we focus on the importance of defining & creating what we want to experience during the holiday season. Traditions & legacies are built one experience at a time. We all have the power to create warm & fuzzy moments with the ones we love the best! πŸ˜‰

So, Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours and while you’re lounging around today peruse our website and catch up on web shows and articles that you haven’t had a chance to take a look at. There’s plenty to delve into and to learn and grow from right here so stay awhile! πŸ™‚

~In the Spirit of Love, Family, & Intention,

The Ma’at’s

A Balanced Response To “For Colored Girls” Critics…Finally A Black Man Who Likes The Movie

VIDEO: There has been a lot of backlash to Tyler Perry’s movie “For Colored Girls”. A whole lot of folk have taken issue with Perry’s depiction of black men in this movie and many of his films. Here, we share our thoughts on “For Colored Girls” and offer a balanced opinion on the films depiction of black men, black women, and black relationships.

Do we think there needs to be more positive depictions of black men in cinema? Absolutely.

Is it Tyler Perry’s responsibility to bring that to the screen ? Not necessarily—but we shouldn’t forget “Daddy’s Girls” or the people in Perry’s past movies that have played the parts of “good insightful men and women”.

Do we think black people have a long history of “keeping secrets” & not wanting to acknowledge the ills in our community? Yup! So, do many of Tyler Perry’s movies kick up a lot of folks issues that they don’t want kicked up? Yup!

Is it fair that Perry seems to be held to a different kind of standard than other movie makers? No, it’s not fair. Where’s the outcry against “Boyz N The Hood” or “Belly” or any number of movies that depict men in “a not so positive” light? With that said–we don’t think it’s that big a problem to be held to a different standard….it comes with the territory of being black and talented. However, what’s not fair is the fact that when someone brings their genuine “truth” to the screen in a way that evokes serious thought and emotion black folks have a problem. But, when we see, for example, the character “Smokey” that Chris Rock played in the movie “Friday” we eat it up!!! No protests about how his character perpetuates images of black men that are damaging, poisonous, or crippling to the community. What’s up with that??? Dare we say that black folks can be oh so hypocritical….

Maybe, there’s something we’re missing. Listen in to hear what we think and then put your opinion out there.