Do You Really Understand The Power Of Touch In Your Relationship?

VIDEO: Do you have special people in your life? Is your man or woman a unique, irreplaceable, and special part of your existence? If the answer is yes….let me ask you….does he/she know? It’s important that you let the people you love know that you love them and why you love them. ….. It doesn’t always have to be through words..sometimes a simple touch can say what words can never convey. Listen in to truly understand why & how you should Recognize your sweetheart through touch, Reassure you baby through touch, and Revitalize yourself and the relationship through touch. You and your relationship deserve it.

What’s A Sex Starved Newlywed Wife To Do?

A considerable amount of married women nowadays are complaining about being dissatisfied sexually. Unfortunately sexual dysfunction in relationships can lead to miscommunication, injured self-esteem, broken trust, arguments and sometimes separation. Is it wrong for a woman to desire to be pleased sexually and have a serious problem if she’s being turned away more than she’s being turned on? If your spouse is unwilling to “make your toes curl” how do you manage to get your needs met and maintain a healthy relationship mentally, emotionally, and sexually? Listen in as we advise a young newlywed who says she and her new husband are having sex about twice a month. This new wife says she’s tried seducing her husband and just straight up asking her husband to make love to her and she gets answers like: Ok, let me take a shower…which he never gets around to doing or he’ll say: “You’re ovulating right now…too risky” to which she responds “Well, let’s use a condom” and he still thinks it’s too risky….hmmm. Interesting. Leave a comment or submit a video response letting us know your thoughts  P.S…excuse the name mess up in the credits.

Overwhelmed? Discipline Makes Things Easier.

VIDEO: Whenever you find yourself in a space in your life where you are overwhelmed and it is impacting the quality of your relationship……it’s time to re-strategize, reorganize, and decompress. How do you intentionally lighten the load you feel? How do you unwind and re-establish that sacred yet seemingly elusive space of peace within your own mind and relationship? A wife & mom of 3 wrote in about how overwhelmed she is feeling with hubby, kids, work, school, bills, etc. She says that she & her husband unintentionally take their frustration out on each other and wants to know what they can do to gain some calm in their hectic lives. Sounds all too familiar! 🙂 Listen in and hear how we advise this viewer to reconnect.

Never Underestimate The Importance Of ‘Me’ Time

VIDEO: A viewer who is a new wife and new mom recently wrote in and shared how overwhelmed she is with her two new roles (and all the responsibilities they bring) . She says the one thing she would love to have is about an hour each day to herself to do whatever she wanted….sit and do nothing, watch mindless TV, have a drink…whatever! The problem: she feels guilty for wanting, in her words, “to get rid of baby and hubby”.  Ok, so my (Aiyana’s) initial thought was….Get over it!! Take an hour, shoooot take 2, have 2 drinks, watch some dumb TV and feel good about it. Early on in my marriage, 1 child in, my husband used to make me so mad because he would routinely make sure he took him some ‘me ‘ time. He would let me know “I’m getting ready to take a nap for a couple of hours” or “Going to the movies baby, be back later”. I was secretly jealous of how easy it was for him to take time out for himself. When I would show my irritation he would simply look at me and say “Nothing’s keeping you from doing the same thing baby…that’s on you”. So, now 4 children later I am crystal clear on the importance of taking some intentional time out just for me. It’s not an option now….it’s a MUST.

What I know now that I didn’t know then is this: When you enter into a relationship you give up some of yourself to achieve a common goal. However, in the midst of merging two lives it’s crucial that you find space to maintain some sense of who you are so you can bring your best to the relationship. A video we did awhile back really breaks down yet another basic relationship requirement: “ME TIME”. Drop a comment or submit a video response letting us know what you think.

And You Say He’s Just A Friend…

VIDEO: We’re re-visiting an old video that covers a basic relationship lesson that some people seem to have a hard time understanding. We’ve recently received quite a few letters about spouse’s maintaining questionable relationships with folks outside of the marriage. So, we decided it was worth running this issue again for those who are having a hard time getting it.

Now, It’s normal and healthy to have many relationships as you sojourn through life. However when you enter a marriage you need to make sure you appropriately manage the relationships you have with people of the opposite sex outside of your marriage. Is it ok to have friends of the opposite sex? If so what should those friendships look like? Listen up and commit this relationship rule to memory. You’ll be glad you did. Leave a comment or submit a video response letting us know what you think.

Is It Time To Man Up To Your Mother?

VIDEO: What do you do when you have a meddlesome mother in law all up in your relationship? Especially the kind that’s rude and manipulative and makes you wanna give her a piece of your mind!? We tend to focus on the antics and actions of the in-law in question instead of the actions (or lack thereof) from our spouse. Basic In-Law Rule: The spouse who’s parent is acting a fool has to confront his or her parent, lay down the law lovingly yet firmly, and must address any and all issues of foolishness until there is harmony or at least respect being demonstrated in the family. The other spouse should never be left to deal with this on their own. It’s just not fair or reasonable.

Here, we advise a young lady who feels that her mother in law is bringing division to the family and being plain old disrespectful. She says that her husband can’t see it. What we are suggesting is that she can’t see that it is her husband who is the problem here, it is her husband who holds the precious key to resolution, and it is her husband who needs to set the tone and man up to his mother—bottom line.

I Can’t Take It When He Gives Me The Silent Treatment

VIDEO: Sometimes things can get very stressful and tense in relationships….so much so that a timeout MAY be necessary. There is a big difference between taking a time out to get some space and perspective, clear your head, and calm down and taking an extended time out to the next level where it’s used as emotional abuse (consciously or subconsciously). This is called shutting down and it is a coping method that is unhealthy and has no place in marriage. If you are giving your spouse the “silent treatment” and this behavior is so chronic it becomes the “norm”…… that’s a MAJOR problem. Relationships require work to be successful….and both people need to be working on it. The work certainly can’t happen if one person won’t even get in the game.

Here, we give some advice to a young lady who says she just can’t take the long bouts of silence that her husband wages against her when he feels misjudged by her. She is feeling frustrated, disrespected and shut out by the one she loves the most and asks “What can I do?!” Please leave a comment or submit a video response letting us know what you think.

How To Get Some When You Ain’t Been Gettin None

VIDEO: Remember “Freaky Friday”? If you are over 25 then you can probably remember being in elementary school and anticipating chasing or being chased during recess time. Those were the days…….Now snap back to today…are you relishing the opportunity to pursue or be pursued by your spouse? Can your sex life be equated to a dry deserted desert or a fountain of fresh spring water?  Do you take the sex for granted? Do you dismiss your spouse’s attempts to get hot and heated with you? Well, wherever you fall…. listen in close to this video and allow us to help you get some (or give some)…..especially if you ain’t been gettin’ none.

Can A Habitual Cheater Truly Change His Ways?

VIDEO: Cheating is not a new phenomena….it’s been happening for a long time by both men and women. In nearly every situation when cheating occurs….someone almost always gets hurt whether the couple is married or not.. How do you deal with the pain that habitual cheating causes in a relationship when you are the one that has caused the heartbreak? Usually the person that causes the pain wants to rush through the anguish, get beyond it, and go back to normal happy land as soon as possible. However, that’s unfair to the person whose been hurt. You have to respect the process and know that if you want the relationship to be right you’ve gotta GET RIGHT and really B Intentional about closing the gap that now exists between you and the one you’ve hurt.

What does it really mean to GET RIGHT? Does it mean that you instantly pledge to never hurt or be dishonest again? Does it mean that you plead and beg for forgiveness so that your loved one can see that you understand the error in your ways? Perhaps it means that if you’re not married—you should propose and attempt to now get married so that the other person can see that you are dead serious about living right and being committed now—NOT! None of these are true and genuine ways to GET RIGHT. The only way to truly GET RIGHT is to put on the cloak of self-awareness and submit to the pain-staking process of self-examination. Until you truly look at yourself for who you are (and perhaps who you’ve become) real change will be elusive and hard to maintain. You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge and you can’t maintain what you don’t understand. Therefore, it stands to reason, that you must acknowledge that something is not right inside of you and endeavor to understand exactly what it is. The habitual cheater almost always has an unbearable bottomless hole within themselves that they are desperately and unconsciously trying to fill. Until you do the work to find out where the hole came from in the first place and then learn how to fill it the right way—from within permanently—you will be stuck in this vicious cycle of bringing hurt to the one you say you love because you haven’t dealt with the hurt that’s inside of you. What’s your take on this issue? Let us know what you think by leaving a comment or submitting a video response.

What’s Your Swagger Factor?

VIDEO: Nike has coined the phrase Just Do It. When I hear that phrase it suggests to me to stop all thought and the self imposed barriers and excuses we give…. and Just Move. Stop standing on the sidelines and get in the game! But….and this is a big but….before you Just Do It or Just Move…..You gotta KNOW YOU so you can DO YOU the way YOU needs to be done. We like to define “Doin’ you” as SWAGGER. A young man wrote in frustrated with his lack of success with women. Before we proceed to provide him some advice we ask him a fundamental and very real question….What’s Your Swagger Factor?