Do Different Economic Upbringings Impact Marriage?

VIDEO: It’s easy to approach life assuming that our current experiences are independent of our past circumstances. Oftentimes, we like to think that the “present” is all there is. While this philosophy has merit…it would be foolish to divorce ourselves from the “Past” and it’s influence over who we are today. When we enter into relationships we bring that “Past” with us. So, when you and your spouse’s background and past experiences differ as it pertains to class, education, religion, etc. how do you make a relationship work? A viewer wrote in asking us whether or not differences in economic upbringings and backgrounds impact marriage. What do we think? Absolutely. Listen in to hear an example and let us know what you think by leaving a comment or submitting a video response.

Lil Wayne……Have You Lost Your Mind?

VIDEO: Do you remember the song back in the day….”Guard Your Grill, Knuckle Up”?….Yeah, in today’s world you gotta…”Guard Your Mind And Armor Up”! We are so serious…there are so many songs on the radio that promote lifestyles that have dire consequences for our community. The song “I’m Single” by Lil Wayne is an example. Can you imagine what the world look like if every married person that got into an argument said “I’m Single Tonight”? Well, we ain’t too far from it  because we are embracing and passively accepting messages like the one promoted in this song. As a community we need more positive images of black marriage. Don’t fall victim to the mentality of this song…Please stand up and represent.

“I’m Single”/Lil Wayne Lyrics

WARNING: This song contains very explicit lyrics so get your mind right. This is the type of hype (yeah, that’s what it is…straight up hype) that we guard our subconscious minds from as much as we can. We air this Ridiculous Foolishness not to glorify but rather to illuminate and bring to the forefront of our awareness the fact that destructive messages about how to manage conflict in a marriage are being promoted all the time.  The Ma’at’s say “Boooo!”

Is It Okay To Date A Man That Lives With His Parents?

You don’t have to listen long or hard these days to hear whispers and occasional shouts about the overwhelming number of black women who are single. This social phenomenon is unfortunate because Black women are beautiful, exude brilliance, and definitely deserve the best. So, if they deserve the best….what does the best look like? A viewer wrote in and asked us if it’s okay to date a man that lives at home with his parents due to these economic hard times. Listen in to hear what we think and let us know what you think by leaving a comment or submitting a video response.

I Can’t Stand That I Get So Nervous Around Women…I Tremble.

VIDEO: A guy has written in asking us how to get over the terror he experiences when he wants to approach a beautiful woman. He’s new to this country having recently come here from Africa and is tired of dealing with the intense anxiety he feels when it comes to approaching a woman. It’s so bad he says he literally shakes at the thought of it. Have you ever experienced excruciating fear about doing something? It could be asking someone out, having a dreaded conversation with your partner, or asking for a raise…it really doesn’t matter what the issue is…the solution is almost always the same. Accelerate your anxiety. Yup, that’s right–speed up and increase those feelings. How do you do that? By just doing the thing you are dreading (over and over again if you have to) and through the act of doing that monster called “your imagination” is brought down to size. One thing we know for sure is this: Whatever you dwell on and focus on becomes stronger. This gentleman can choose to either reinforce his fear or reinforce that fear is an illusion in the first place and that he is in control of his results. This is a lesson we could all stand to learn and learn well. It applies to so so many areas of our lives. You know how we do…Stop Playing. Start Pushing. Have you let fear grow unchecked somewhere in your life? Leave a comment letting us know if you can identify in any way or submit a video response. You know we want to hear from you.

Response Video: Nikki Tells Her Story To Help Another Viewer…”The Prisoner’s Wife”

We have a new response video in to the question “I Love Him But He’s Locked Up–What Should I Do?”. And, man what a response it is! Sometimes, the best way you can help someone understand where you’re coming from is by Telling Your Story. That’s exactly what Nikki does in this 3 part video diary where she talks to the young lady who wrote in to Ask the Ma’at’s advice column asking for advice because she  is in love with someone who is incarcerated. Not only does Nikki talk about a similar experience (she actually married him) but she gives us insight into some things she has gone through and experienced–and this paints the big picture even better. From her mother disappearing from her life when she was only 4, her own father being incarcerated, and surviving rape—she tells it all so that she might help to bring insight and understanding to somebody else. We want to give a BIG THANK YOU to Nikki for being so honest and transparent in this video and letting the B Intentional community into your world. We did say this is a 3 part video diary so you might want to wait until you’re relaxing with a glass of wine later or on your lunch break to view this. 🙂 Or, To get to the bottom line of what Nikki is saying scroll down to video 3 and listen in now. And, don’t forget–you can give back too by leaving a comment or submitting a video response to any of the posts here on our site. As the saying goes “Each one, Teach one”.

“Nikki Tells Her Story”-Video 1

“Nikki Tells Her Story” -Video 2

“Nikki Tells Her Story”-Video 3- Listen in here to skip to the bottom line of Nikki’s message.

Miss the video Nikki is responding to. Listen in below…

Man To Man–“Stop Cheating!”

VIDEO: I want to make sure we’re straight on this. All Black Men Do Not Cheat!!! However, for the men who do I challenge you to step up to the plate and be a real man. Take responsibility in your relationship by showing commitment, integrity, love, patience, and discipline. If you ain’t ready for it then don’t step into it. It’s time to get grown….It’s time to give your woman all the loving she deserves.

I Love Him But He’s Locked Up

VIDEO: Would you stay in a relationship with someone that’s locked up or would you remain friends and wait on the opportunity to rekindle the passion upon their release? We weigh in on this issue in an attempt to help a young lady regain some perspective about her situation. She writes in basically asking should she trust the feelings of love she has and should she trust everything he’s saying to her. Listen in as we attempt to help her resolve these unsettling feelings of whether she should stay in the relationship…..or go live her life. Leave a comment or submit a video response with what you think.

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Husband & Wife (Ayize & Aiyana) Bloopers Part 1

VIDEO: Have a deep belly laugh with these B Intentional Bloopers. We’re switching it up today by taking you behind the scenes of our “Ask The Ma’at’s” video shows. A couple of cuss words slip, a few  eyes are rolled, and a few “are you serious?” stares are given. We may not be perfect but we’re perfect for each other! Underneath it all is love. Deeply rooted love for each other….and a passion to share it with YOU.  🙂 Leave a comment or submit a video response with what you think!

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How Aiyana Improved Her Grade As A Wife

VIDEO: Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself “What’s my grade as a wife and as a mother?” Well, on one of our previous posts I (Ayize) gave Aiyana a grade of 92% as a wife. I also mentioned that she hasn’t always been an A- which prompted one of our wonderful faithful viewers to ask “What did Aiyana do to improve her grade as a wife?” Well, you asked so in this video I answer that question and let you know just how Aiyana stepped up her status on the wife chart. Weigh in, leave a comment with what you think or submit a video response. You know we want to hear from you. 🙂

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Can He Deal With Me Making More Money Than Him?

VIDEO: Here, we answer a viewer who is a single mom of 4 who says she’s built a “small empire all on her own for her children with no family help”. She says she’s provided well for her children and given them opportunities to experience different things. She and her sweetie have had conversations about the financial difference between them and he says he’s ok with it. However, she’s been getting some energy and feedback from him (they’ve been together for a year and a half now) that makes her wonder if he can handle a woman who’s holding it down financially.

At times, women whose men make less than them have the tendency to think their men possess some underlying financial insecurity. In some situations this may be true…but not in all. The difference in the dollar amount between two pay stubs doesn’t automatically dictate a man’s emotional state. If a man does feel bad and stresses… might have absolutely nothing to do with his woman and what she brings in. More than likely his feelings are about where he is and where he wants to be not about what his woman is doing/bringing in. These are two totally different things. So, when a man says there’s no problem with his woman making more…take him at his word. If he truly feels otherwise it’s up to him to be honest with himself and work through those feelings. Listen in and give your opinion or submit a video response!